“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

Breaking The Seal





What it looks like we have here are some realist holiday decorators. Nobody ever wants to think that maybe Santa Claus has bodily functions too and that sometime between his 20th and 30th glass of milk he might have to stop and take care of his business. According to this display, the roof is the most fun place for Santa to relieve himself, unless you’d rather him come in and your own bathroom inside.


The next time you hear a little trickling outside your window on Christmas Eve, you should know exactly what’s going on and be honored that Santa chose your house out of all the others.


Festive Drinking





Is this decoration inherently wrong? Yes. But is it untrue? No. It’s no secret that one of the things people look forward to during the holidays is throwing back a couple of flaming eggnogs and glasses of wine at Christmas dinner. Well, that, and family…obviously. It’s also no mistake that these boxes and bottles of alcohol are color-coordinated for the Christmas season.


So the packaging can now double as both household decorations and as party favors. We would be very impressed to go to a Christmas party to find a sea of festive red and green bottles of alcohol. It would really turn the party up a notch!


A Christmas Miracle




Well, it looks like Marc either got really desperate or has more money than he even knows what to do with. It’s either that or someone is playing a nasty trick on him, making his desire for a Latina girlfriend known to the world and even putting his email out for everyone to see.

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