“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

In Reese’s defense, their delicious candy will still taste the same no matter what shape it’s in, so we guess that’s all that matters. Maybe they should stick to the classic peanut butter cups though!






Decorating the Christmas tree is a fun tradition millions participate in every holiday season. But decorating a Christmas tree comes with its fair share of trials and tribulations. First, you have to get the Christmas tree which is no easy feat. Ya gotta either go buy one and lug the big thing down or you have to piece together a fake one.


Once this crucial first step is completed, you have to decorate it. Between lights, and tinsel, this is a challenge. But then, the ornaments? This might be the most anxiety-filled part of it all. Fragile pieces of glass that must hang feet above the floor…yikes! Even these so-called shatterproof ornaments are proof that we can’t have nice things.


Simple, But Effective





Santa probably won’t be pleased with the fact that this person isn’ taking his big day very seriously. But, if you’re someone who hates putting up decorations as much as I do, this is a great way to kill two bird with one stone. You already did all the work to prepare for Halloween and now you’re just doing your best to remain festive.


The Santa hat is a nice touch, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Also, when Christmas is over you can remove the hat and leave the skeleton there for Easter. It symbolizes the death and rebirth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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