“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

That, or this is a family of anarchist devil worshipers who boycott Christmas and just want to see the world burn. Now that I think about it, both scenarios seem plausible. I’m willing to bet it’s the first one though.


Are You Ready Kids?





Nothing screams Christmas like a blow-up Sponge Bob Square Pants sitting on top of a gift-wrapped box. It’s also worth pointing out that my man Sponge Bob is wearing a Santa hat, making this particular decoration extra festive. Some might say this brand of decoration is weird.


I say otherwise. Christmas is all about getting weird with the family and Sponge Bob is as weird as they come. He really sets the tone. Cudos to whoever went out on a limb and blew this one up.


Pure Gold





I don’t Santa would be pleased to learn that for Christmas decorations, this town decided to hang several sets of Mrs. Claus’ golden panties. in fact, if he were here right now he’d probably request that they’d be taken down. It’s a beautiful homage to the brains behind Santa’s operation, but if they wanted to give her a hat tip there was probably a better way.


Sorry, not probably. There’s definitely a better way to give Mrs. Claus a shoutout then to hang up her underwear in the street for everyone in the town to see. Mind you, they are pretty panties.

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