“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

The evil elf has never succeeded. The one holding the knife in the above picture was captured almost two years ago in an attempt to assassinate Santa. Needless to say, his plan was unsuccessful.







This is a very interesting take on Santa’s sleigh. It’s a kayak that Santa is using to ride down the roof. I’ve seen many weird Christmas decorations in my day but this one takes the cake. I just don’t understand why. Why a kayak? Is this a family who kayaks a lot. Does Santa kayak in his spare time? I don’t know.


What I do know is this family went all out on their decorations this season. Just think about what that utility bill is going to be at the end of the month. Talk about taking one for the team.

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