“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

Subliminal Messages




This is exactly why you don’t bring your 13-year-old son and his friend Christmas shopping with you at Target… something like this is bound to happen. Most people with a good sense of humor might pass by, crack a smile, and move on. Yet others might see this little prank as sacrilegious and against everything that Christmas is supposed to stand for. You know, considering Jesus was supposedly born on Christmas and all.


Sacrilege aside, this is a great prank and is sure to put anyone in the holiday spirit. Now someone just needs to hang this display on their mantle and wait to see who shows up in their chimney


The Morning After





It’s all fun and games to own tacky inflatable Christmas decorations until the sun rises. In the morning, they just deflate into weird blobs of color that look almost as bad as when they are inflated.


At least this way you don’t have to hear the annoying generator filling them up with endless amounts of air, or see their creepy faces smiling at you from across the street. Somebody help these guys out!


The Smell Of The Holidays!




Your Christmas tree won’t be complete if you don’t have a turd ornament dangling from it. I’m not sure who would ever buy this yet alone hang it from their tree, but whatever floats your boat! Props on attention to detail and accuracy. The ornament wouldn’t be nearly as unique without the fake snow powdering its exterior.

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