“20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!”

"20 Hilariously Awkward Christmas Decor Fails That Will Make You Question Your Holiday Spirit!"

How The Grinch Saved Christmas





What we have here is a textbook minimalist decorator. For some reason, this tactic can be incredibly effective. Although it involved minimal work on the homeowners’ part, there is no argument that this household is completely prepared for Christmas.


There is a certain level of creativity necessary to execute this kind of decorating, and we’re sure that their neighbors who put a little more effort into decorating their house are envious for not thinking of this first. We tip our hats to the decorator who pulled this one off. You are a visionary, my friend. Keep up the good work.


They Even Scared Santa




There is such as thing as going too overboard during Christmas, and this is a prime example of it. At this point, the decorations are just overwhelming, borderline frightening, and show that these people have no room in their garage for anything except Christmas decorations and extension cords. Their poor neighbors probably needed to get blackout shades just to sleep for this one month out of the year. Way to be inconsiderate.


These decorators most likely need a Christmas savings account just to pay for their electricity bill during the holiday season. Is it really worth it? Our guess is no, and now these people just look like that one family on the street with a few screws loose.

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