“30 Days in Darkness: Watch the Astonishing Moment a Man Discovers Light Again!”

"30 Days in Darkness: Watch the Astonishing Moment a Man Discovers Light Again!"

What if I told you that an Australian YouTuber named Norme just spent 30 long days—and nights—locked in total darkness, hoping to snag the world record for the longest time spent in a lightless room? Sounds a bit wild, right? This content creator, with over a million subscribers, is known for diving into some of the most bizarre challenges out there, pushing the limits of sanity and logic alike! From staying awake for an astonishing 12 days to, believe it or not, munching on a cactus, Norme has quite the repertoire of daring experiences. But here we are, asking ourselves: what truly happens to the mind and body after nearly a month in the dark? As his followers worriedly tuned in each day to witness his journey—questioning his mental state as he engaged in some, well, questionable behaviors—this escapade certainly raised eyebrows. Prepare to dive into this fascinating tale of endurance and curiosity! For the full scoop, click the link to LEARN MORE.

Australian YouTuber Norme believes he now has the world record for staying in a dark room with no light for 30 days.

The content creator, who has over a million subscribers on his channel, is known for putting himself through the wringer by taking part in the most bizarre challenges you can think of.

Norme credits himself with staying awake for 12 days, not blinking for two hours and six minutes, and staying in a solitary coffin. Oh yeah, he’s also eaten a cactus.

Australian YouTuber Norme broadcasted himself 24/7 in a dark room for 30 days (YouTube/Norme)

Australian YouTuber Norme broadcasted himself 24/7 in a dark room for 30 days (YouTube/Norme)

Up until last week, the 20-year-old shared a 24/7 live stream of himself stuck in a dark room for 30 days, as you do.

And each day tens of thousands of his followers would tune in to see how he was getting on – at one point, it did not look good.

After around 22 days of the challenge, which began on 16 October, it seemed that the dark side was getting to him.

In a concerning clip shared across social media, Norme could be seen rocking back and forth while taking bites out of what appeared to be a door.

As expected, his followers were getting worried as one of them commented: “Please tell me, bro it’s not eating the door.”

Another added: “Not smart to play around with this. Solitary is maddening.”

Norme's reaction to sunlight was quite something (YouTube/Norme)

Norme’s reaction to sunlight was quite something (YouTube/Norme)

Meanwhile, one unimpressed user said: “He’s just attention seeking. I’ve done months in real solitary and it’s not that bad.”

Sounds like something Jay Cartwright would say.

Well, after 30 days of confinement, the YouTuber uploaded a reveal video on Friday (15 November) and over 100,000 people tuned in.

Norme was escorted out of his dark room by what appeared to be one of his friends for some much-needed sunshine.

With a towel wrapped around his face, the content creator had to wait to be in the sunlight for the unveil.

After the towel was taken off his head, he looked up at the sky and screamed with relief and started, well, acting absolutely crazy.

He was seen jumping up and down, pretty much ‘pranging out’ in seriously unreal scenes.

“That f**king hurt,” he shouted, as the person recording asked: “Do you feel like it’s healing your soul?”

“No its like a thousand knives to my f**king eyes,” Norme replied, adding: “It’s like a different universe, its like I’m in a different dimension.”

The streamer appeared to have stains all over his t-shirt after, we assume, not showering for a month.

“This dude stayed in that room for 723 hours. And now, he’s finally free,” one comment read.

And someone else penned: “He legit acted and sounded like a mad scientist, stop doing these challenges bro.”

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