“40 Mind-Boggling Cultural Quirks in Europe That Left Americans Scratching Their Heads!”

"40 Mind-Boggling Cultural Quirks in Europe That Left Americans Scratching Their Heads!"

White0nRye , Huynh Van/Pexels Report

Stethoscope and pen on medical documents, highlighting Europe culture shocks in healthcare practices. How y’all manage to get socialized healthcare and education. Those concepts are fought so hard in the States and I don’t know how to convince people that healthcare and education are good things to have for free or even just cheaper.

banana_leal , Pixabay/Pexels Report


People standing at a street corner in Europe during the day, highlighting culture shocks for Americans. F**k, I just moved to Spain and I cannot understand how normal it is to just STARE so blatantly at people. Does anybody know????

The constant touching and cheek kisses are also pretty weird to me because I don’t like to be touched but I was aware of those at least before I moved.

octoberchant , David Kouakou/Pexels Report

London's iconic Big Ben and Houses of Parliament on a clear day, showcasing European architecture and culture. Am I allowed to comment if I’m Canadian?

How do so many people fit into London? And there’s so many old buildings still in use, isn’t asbestos a problem? How are there so many different accents in small countries like the UK and Ireland? Pretty much in Canada most people sound the same, there’s a few other accents but there aren’t too many big differences, except for maybe Newfoundlanders, Francophones and people in the country.

anon , Dominika Gregušová/Pexels Report




Man in an empty theater holding popcorn, possibly experiencing culture shock regarding early closing food places in Europe. Something else I just thought of after someone brought popcorn into the office…

Something I noticed about cinemas in Canada/USA , and Europe. *Or London UK at least, sample size here is quite low* is that in North American cinemas, you pay for a ticket, and it’s a free for all for seating, you grab the best seat, early bird gets the worm

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