“45 Shocking Family Secrets Revealed: Prepare to Be Astounded by What Lies Beneath!”

"45 Shocking Family Secrets Revealed: Prepare to Be Astounded by What Lies Beneath!"

JamesLeBond Report


See Also on Bored Panda

My father was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force for theft. He told my sibling and I when he was trashed. I know he doesn’t remember.

NotOfMyself Report

Counting money with hands, symbolizing hidden family-secrets. My parents borrow lot of money from me because supposedly they own it to an Italian businessman, but when I went to the bank, I saw they had paid the amount to an Austrian bank. Never asked them explanation.

Tribeworth , Kaboompics.com Report

Zealot family member who never met a American instigated war he didn’t like was a draft dodger during Vietnam. I found the smoking gun letters to another relative from 1968 to prove it. The letters were found in the recipients house after they passed. They have no idea I know. I wish I knew this gem back in 2006.

reddittheguy Report


See Also on Bored Panda

My dad cheated on my mum when I was a baby (and maybe also before my birth).

She suspects, but never had any proof.

He told me about 5 years ago and it really f****d me up for a while. Noone else knows.

The divorce was about 25 years ago, they already hate each other’s guts and I don’t think it would benefit anyone to open old wounds. Especially my siblings and me. It’s already a hassle to get them into the same room – it’ll be impossible if I told her.

Alternative_Piglet Report

Nothing too bad but apparently they have told alot of relatives I was a good student but I skipped more then half of classes to play basketball all day. I did not graduate from high school even.

anon Report


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