“50 and Free: Surprising Things You’ll Finally Stop Worrying About After the Big 5-0!”
Take care of your skin and body because it feels good and promotes health. But laugh lines are earned, hold wisdom, and look pretty darn good when you smile. Aging is a privilege; own it!
10. Tolerating a Soul-Sucking Job
If you dread Mondays and live for Fridays, something needs to change. Life’s too short for work, and that feels like torture. While not everyone can quit on a whim, this milestone birthday is your kick in the pants to at least START exploring options.
Maybe it’s a full career change, negotiating better hours, or shifting to part-time. Don’t get stuck thinking work must look like it did in your 20s. Get creative, network, and seek out career counseling—you might be surprised by what’s possible.
11. Staying Silent to Avoid Conflict
Yes, sometimes biting your tongue is wise. But, chronically letting things fester builds resentment. By 50, you’ve earned the right (and hopefully wisdom) to speak your truth respectfully yet assertively.
This doesn’t mean being combative! Choose your battles wisely. Learn to express difficult emotions without it devolving into a screaming match. The sense of empowerment you’ll feel for standing up for yourself is worth the initial discomfort of changing old habits.
12. Feeling Stuck” in Your Identity
Mom/dad, career professional, wife/husband…these are roles, not the totality of you. The 50s offer a chance to rediscover interests put on hold while raising a family or explore entirely NEW things that ignite a sense of passion.