“50 Daring Souls Who Risked It All for Epic Comebacks: You Won’t Believe Their Transformations!”

"50 Daring Souls Who Risked It All for Epic Comebacks: You Won't Believe Their Transformations!"


Your God Can’t Take Down A 55kg F****t With Brain Damage

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It’s also important to consider the bleaker side of self-deprecation. An emotional intelligence test conducted by PsychTests revealed that 64% of people who engage in this kind of humor may also prioritize other people’s needs over their own, even if it leaves them resentful or uncomfortable. 


Statistics also show that 66% would apologize even if they did nothing wrong, while 54% would not express their opinions if others disagreed. Then, there are the 70% who would spend hours ruminating about remarks others made about them and the 81% who would over-analyze situations.


Overdoing self-deprecation may damage one’s self-esteem. As PsychTest president Dr. Ilona Jerabek explains, the disparaging words you tell yourself could become part of your identity. 

“If you continue reinforcing this cognitive pattern rather than challenging it in your inner chatter, it will become entrenched in your belief system,” Dr. Jerabek explained.


But, of course, there is a time and a place for self-deprecation. It can help you reframe a difficult situation for a bit of levity. According to experts like psychosocial rehabilitation specialist Kendra Cherry, MSEd, knowing when to laugh at yourself is also a sign of healthy self-esteem.

“Instead of beating yourself up for the things you wish had gone differently, being able to laugh at them can help you view the past (and yourself) more positively,” Cherry wrote in an article for Very Well Mind.

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