“50 Shocking Medical Facts That Will Change the Way You Think About Health!”
Image credits: PerAsperaAdInfiri
Cat scratch fever is real, and can be deadly. I know someone who spent 2 weeks in hospital from it and it was his cat.
Image credits: lespaulstrat2
A study by Johns Hopkins in 2016 cited that medical errors are probably the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA, following heart disease and cancer.
Errors were: Wrong Diagnosis. Incorrect dosage or wrong meds. Surgery errors and the biggest, poor communication between staff.
It is also thought that this study is also correct in the UK and EU.
Image credits: LegalAdviceHope
That your immune system can go rogue and just randomly start eating things you need to stay alive when there’s no foreign invaders to fight against.
Image credits: anon
The truth about HeLa cells. These cells grow and divide constantly and are used in all sorts of medical research to discover cures for cancer and other diseases. They were originally harvested from a woman named Henrietta Lacks who had cervical cancer that was fatal. She died in 1951. Her family didn’t know that her cells were even being used until recently. These cells were basically stolen from Henrietta by a doctor and he made millions from them, and Henrietta’s family never knew. Once they found out, they finally settled with a biotech company for an undisclosed amount. This woman has basically saved so many of us, and we all owe her so much.
Image credits: KweenBee1986
Chainsaws were originally invented for childbirth.
Vibrators were invented because doctors were manually massaging women to hysterical paroxysm (orgasm) to cure their “hysteria” and they got too lazy to do it by hand.