“52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next!”

"52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You'll Never Believe What Happened Next!"

He then asks if I can take him to another part of town. He owes another guy some money and needs to go talk to him. We proceed to an unfamiliar part of town, and he instructs me to park in a fairly isolated spot. He explains that he doesn’t want the other guy to see my car…BECAUSE HE MIGHT TAKE IT. He owes this guy money for gambling or d***s or something else bad, and he is way behind on his payments. I left him and spent the rest of my time in that apartment avoiding him.

enephon , Erik Mclean Report

52 People Share Their “We Need To Leave Right Now” Experiences That Ended Well For Them Sknyliv airshow catasrophe

I was 5ish at a time, so it’s my dad’s story more than mine. You can google the details, but long story short, my dad saw the plane jolt in the air, and he realized that something went wrong and started running and yelling at everyone else to run. I was sitting on his shoulders, so he just took off with me.
The plane crashed into the crowd killing 77 people, 35 or so children among them. Not us.

Polylactic , urtimud.89 Report

52 People Share Their “We Need To Leave Right Now” Experiences That Ended Well For Them My father’s story:

1999, 3 adult males entered our family store in July wearing heavy trench coats. They spread out through the store and my father caught a glimpse of a gun under their coats. He called the police and while waiting for a call back, my mother grabbed the children and ran out the back door. Once we got a call back, an employee answered the phone and asked who called the police. The men ran out of the store, went down 2 doors, robbed the laundry mat, and killed the clerk.

Bemkaree , cottonbro studio Report

52 People Share Their “We Need To Leave Right Now” Experiences That Ended Well For Them When I was 15, a friend and I went for a lot of walks around town (small town, around 5-6k people). We were going to the cyber cafe in town to meet a few friends and we often took different streets to get places, just to keep it interesting.

We were about to go to Main Street off one of the side streets and a man on a bicycle approached us. He got off his bike, and asked us a couple small talk questions. Something didn’t seem right about him, he was probably mid 40s. We both kept inching away but didn’t want to come off as too rude, so we answered about the weather or traffic. Then he paused and we said we had to go, and he said (and I’ll never forget it) “you look so young, I don’t want to get in trouble, but I need to touch someone. I just need to touch you. You should come with me.” And he started rambling.

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