“52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next!”

"52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You'll Never Believe What Happened Next!"

I’m still shaken up, and I’m still having nightmares. Talking about it here helps.

Trust your gut!

Edit: here is an article about it with a video. At the bottom there’s a video where you can see the shooting. I am not on this video, I am back inside at this time. I didn’t know they caught the bastards until I just looked for the article so that is a nice thing. But I’m crying from watching it. I’m still really scared and it’s been several months now.

Thank you all for the kind comments. It really means a lot to me. I feel ridiculous describing this as trauma when others have been through real trauma during wars, but it’s very real to me and I hate it.

I should add, one positive outcome: my brother-in-law has been checking in on me regularly since the incident. He just sends me a text to see how I’m doing. It’s really touching. I already liked him a whole lot but even more now.

UsedTowels09 Report

My friends and I all pre teen boys were walking around the neighborhood. A white van with a mountainscape mural with wolves howling at moon kept slowly following us. Eventually we caught on after a few blocks and started to get anxious. We didn’t run, but slowly walked up to a random door (very family centric neighborhood) and then started loudly knocking. The van pealed off never to be seen again.

KarlsReddit Report

Whilst driving on the highway, I stumbled upon some pretty big rocks in the middle of the road (luckily I had my high-beams on), and I had to come to a full-stop in the middle of the highway. There wasn’t an embankment anywhere near me and this wasn’t a rocky area so I was initially puzzled as to where the rocks had come from… then I noticed a guy in my rear-view mirror coming out of the bushes… It was at this exact moment where I was like ‘we need to leave, now!’. I threw my car into reverse and gunned it… nearly drove over the guy in the road behind me; did a j-turn and drove in the opposite direction on travel on the highway until I found an offramp. This was about 11pm at night on a segment of the highway which is notorious for hi-jackers. Turns out that the hi-jackers place massive rocks in the road at night and when you drive head-long into the rocks and get out of your car to inspect the damage, they then pop out of the bushes and rob you at gun-point, and drive off with your car if it is still driveable. Luckely I wasn’t a victim that night. God only knows what they would have done to my gf. Good old S**thole Africa.

LFP_Gaming_Official Report

52 People Share Their “We Need To Leave Right Now” Experiences That Ended Well For Them We were playing hoops in a bad neighbourhood. At some point one of the guys we were playing with got real nasty “whithey boys leave now. We ain’t f*****g with you you need to leave.” Real aggressive etc.

I had noticed a black BMW circling around the playground but nothing much else.

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