“52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next!”
I found this a little strange and unexpected so naturally tried to question what he meant, but his face was drop dead serious. He looked at the friendly group, then at my GF, then to me and repeated his words.
I didn’t really want to take any chances in Russia and wanted to see another bar anyway, so I grabbed my girl, the doll and promptly left.
I was in a tiny room inside of a big room where there was a lot of servers. And you know, servers rooms need to have air conditioners so I was always so cold. One day, I started to feel the air warming, I didn’t care so I kept doing my things. The air became warmer and warmer and I said “something’s happened”: for unknown reasons, the air conditioners had stopped. I ran to the door because I thought servers were going to burn instantly, but when I touched the k**b… It was burning, I almost couldn’t open it. The servers were making a horrible sound, the heat was unbearable, I was sweating a lot. Before I went out of the servers room, I turned on the air conditioners and I ran away to tell people of the enterprise what happened.
Finally, nothing happened, because I turned on the air conditioners, but if I hadn’t done it, I would have died, because if servers set on fire, those things that put out fires (I don’t know the name, I’m not English) would have left me without oxygen (they are automatic).
We still don’t know what happened with the air conditioners.
(Sorry if I misspelled something, I’m not English).