“52 Bizarre Moments When Instincts Told Them to Flee—You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next!”
I called Dad and he reported it to the gas company, who sent inspectors right away. They shut off the gas (valve in the street) immediately and sent a repair crew to fix a leaking joint in the gas supply pipe.
The inspector said that if I hadn’t acted then and there, the probability was great that there would soon have been an explosion.
Woodstock 99. Felt the energy of the grossly over packed crowd, the building rage, and looked my friends and said we need to go. They stayed, I left. Shortly after fired and riots started and my friends lost everything they had with them. Tents, clothes, food, everything.
When you have 300k people shoulder to shoulder in 104degree humidity and charge $4 for a bottle if water and have half as many bathrooms as needed, you’re gonna have a bad time.
Visiting Kowloon in Hong Kong, I ended up walking all day until my feet were killing me. It got dark outside and I was tired, so I decided to drop by a decent looking bar for a drink and a moment to rest my feet.
It was all empty except a group of serious looking local men in suits. They kept leering at me the whole time, the most awkward beer I ever had. None of them said a word, but I got the message: “You’re not supposed to be here, gwailo.”.
Was 15/16 at a house party with my good friend, another girl.
There were some gatecrashers who turned up ( which weren’t unusual at London house parties) but these guys were older, and there was just a vibe. A girl I vaguely knew, was very drunk and being surrounded by them and I asked her if she was ok and she told me to “F**k off, I’m fine.”