“60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?”

"60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?"

zachtheperson Report

Got a job tarring roofs in the summer in Maryland. Sweating my a*s off but I could barely keep up. One big dude was teaching me the proper way to spread the tar evenly with a giant mop. He kept prompting me as I was going then suddenly stopped talking. I look over and his eyes have rolled back and is starting to fall over into the hot tar we just spread. I grabbed him and started screaming for the other guys as he was too big and we were both heading for the tar. They grabbed both of us and got us off the roof. Paramedics for him and the water hose for me. When lunch time rolled around I told the boss “I’m outta here”. He asked if I was coming back tomorrow and I said “hell no” and left. I lasted about 4 hours.

dazcon5 Report

It started with the guy saying “I told him he should have just hired you when you dropped off your resume” (first red flag)

Then at coffee break and lunch all everyone did was b***h and complain.

I finished the day but it was such an angry place with high turnover it didn’t seem worth it to continue.

someguyfromsk Report

Worked in an amazon warehouse. I had just finished grad school and was applying for jobs. This was May 2020. The place was unbelievably hot, especially while wearing a mask. The guy training us kept screaming at us “COME ON! LETS GET THIS MONEY! LETS GO! YEAH!”. S**t like that. It was a 12 hour shift of back-breaking wok. By the end I thought I was gonna die. I left that day, went home, went to sleep, got up at 5am and redoubled my efforts to find a job. Got a job 1 month later working from home.

SexOnABurningPlanet Report

I went through 3 interviews to get the job. I arrived 10 minutes early on my first day. The manager of the location I was told to report to had no idea that I had been hired. They called the person that instructed me where and when to report. That person said they needed to check their notes and call back. I didn’t wait, I just excused myself and thanked the manager for his time. Later in the afternoon, the person who hired me called and was angry that I was a no show at the very place I showed up for.

who-dat24 Report

Wasn’t told I’d be on the operations floor on my first day, didn’t bring my PPE. Got handed company issue steel toe boots (cheap and nasty) which promptly began to tear my feet to shreds. I show my supervisor my bleeding feet and tell him I can be back in an hour with my own boots and could then finish my shift. He told me if I leave to get them don’t bother coming back.

Easiest walk out ever.

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