“60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?”

"60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?"

Luckily my old job let me come back like I never left.

Sir_Atlass , TriangleProd Report

Person installing roof tiles, which can be a demanding job, representing reasons people quit jobs on the first day. Only time I’ve EVER just walked off a job site. I was homeless and answered a Craigslist ad for a roofing job (I’d never done roofing before). I was working for a pair of tweakers from NYC. After spending most of the day doing standard labor (bringing materials up a ladder, putting down roofing material and stomping down on it after they hit it with a blowtorch, etc) they wanted me to stand on a 2-inch-wide beam that was rotten and slick from rain- VISIBLY unstable- WITH NO RESTRAINTS OR SAFETY EQUIPMENT WHATSOEVER- and they wanted me to stand on it and use a sledgehammer to smash out as much decaying roof as I could, until I hit a point where the roof was solid again.

I told the guy I wasn’t cut out for that type of work. He told me to quit being an upstate v*gina. I told him to find a downstate p*nis because someone is going to die under their tutelage and I’m not going to let it be me.

He refused to pay me for the 6 hours of intense physical labor I’d already worked and I had to panhandle to get bus fare back… but I didn’t die…

PlatypusEgo , noxos Report


Server carrying a food tray in a restaurant setting, illustrating quitting jobs on the first day theme. Basic restaurant server job, I was in college. The drive was kinda long, and as a college student that matters a lot. I was mostly getting a job due to feeling like I was inadequate if I didn’t have one.

So I go buy the black clothes required and show up. But the clothes weren’t black enough, due to having a gray lining around the button-up shirt’s collar and cuffs on the *inside* of the shirt. It barely peeked through under certain angles. They told me to leave and come back when the clothes fit their requirements.

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