“60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?”

"60 Shocking First-Day Stories: What Made These Employees Walk Out for Good?"

ntmrkd1 , Lucky Alamanda Report

Man leaving office on first day, carrying a box of belongings, looking stressed and overwhelmed. I got a summer job as an HR/Office Assistant while in college.

They told me on my first day that they had to fire some people later in the week and they needed me to do it because they didn’t want to.

I didn’t come back the next day. Not only did I of course not want to do it, but I was shocked at the callous disrespect they had for the employees that they wanted to fire. If you want to destroy someone’s lively hood, have the balls to f*****g do it yourself.

gouwbadgers , tsyhun Report

Teacher smiling at students in a classroom with "Teacher's Day" on the chalkboard. I was assigned to a middle school grade 6 as a student teacher. I was supposed to be under the guidance of the classroom teacher. She was all too willing to let me be in complete charge and told me I could just do “whatever.” I called my faculty advisor and requested to be reassigned. The next day I was at a different school with a teacher who knew what she was doing.

OPMom21 , freepik Report

Man working at a computer with a headset, possibly on his first day at a job, holding a pencil. I remember starting a job at a call centre for a particular company that has such a bad reputation, they need to change their name every so often.

They were telling us how we have 7 minutes alotted for “personal time” like bathroom breaks. There was one bathroom in the building, WAY down at the other end of the building…so on our first fifteen minute break, I walked to it..Took 4.5 minutes to get there. So when we came back from break I asked “so what happens if you go over the alotted time?” And the trainer goes “well then the mintues are tracked and deducted from your pay”…I got up and walked towards the door and the guy goes “see that’s an example of complete unprofessionalism, and that’s ok this type of job isn’t for quitters”…I spun around and went “I can handle the job, chucklef**k. What I won’t do is degrade myself by working for a place that monitors how long it takes you to s**t”.

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