“62 Bizarre Culinary Encounters That Will Leave You Questioning Your Taste Buds!”

"62 Bizarre Culinary Encounters That Will Leave You Questioning Your Taste Buds!"

Image credits: Either_Cow_7


Callamus root, a quasi psychadelic akin to nutmeg kind of, terrible experience all round do not reccomend.

Image credits: elasmonut


Red sumac. It’s good for you and makes an excellent tea. I also eat the wild lettuce greens that can grow in every person’s yard, including spring onions, dandelions and young pine cone syrup.

Image credits: AnUnknownCreature


I drank out of the top of a skull during a Buddhist celebration.

Image credits: Cannelope


Fried grasshoppers.

Image credits: MobileTill9764


Barium, I had a barium meal due to stomach issues.

Image credits: praf973


Monkey brains (I didn’t know until after I’d tried them).

Image credits: Medieval-Mind


I’ve eaten turtle, it was nasty. Reminded me of brawn, or pigs face, jelly, gritty, bit like organ meats.

Image credits: SithLordRising


Raw “chicken of the woods mushroom” when hiking as well as raw wild gooseberries, asparagus, morel mushroom, dandelion leaves. Snapping Turtle Tenderloins. on a double dog dare, a nightcrawler worm. lol.

Image credits: pwrslide2



Image credits: Paranoid_Neckazoid


Petrol, not sure if it was av-gas which may have had tetraethyl lead in it (not from a road legal car).. akin to what I’d expect plastic to taste like.

Image credits: WRfleete



Image credits: DucktapeCorkfeet


Dried worms.

Image credits: Ok-Paramedic8197


Rice cooked in chicken blood.

Image credits: theultimateattack


Bite of a cooked veal heart (only a bite because it was being passed around and shared).

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