“62 Surprising ‘Poor Person Habits’ You Won’t Believe Rich People Have Never Experienced!”

"62 Surprising 'Poor Person Habits' You Won't Believe Rich People Have Never Experienced!"

I have a rotten tooth that needs to be surgically extracted, need several root canals and crowns, need tons of cavity fillings, and have congenitally missing teeth. I can get the extraction (+bone graft and implant) and handle one cavity before I hit my annual maximum.

I floss and brush twice a day, I just have weak enamel and haven’t been able to afford dental care in a while. And the missing teeth? Sorry. It’s congenital/pre-existing so they don’t have to cover it.

No, Karen, I’m not doing d***s. God, people lose interest in talking to me the instant they notice my teeth (especially hiring managers). I start to smile as the conversation gets good and suddenly the light just leaves their eyes. It’s *humiliating.*.

LadySerenity , Andrea Piacquadio Report


It’s really difficult to get rid of clothes you don’t wear often or other stuff in a store room because if you don’t have much money you may need them in the future.

Active_Recording_789 Report

Say you already ate, just to join your friends out, to feel normal for a minute, without making things awkward.

FriendOfSelf Report


Save grocery store plastic bags to use as a trash can liner.

Melluna5 Report

People Share 62 “Poor Person Habits” That Rich People Have Probably Never Had To Do Keep a running tally of everything in the cart then add tax….then get to the self checkout and check thru the most needed items first checking the total to see if the $2 bag of carrots will be too much. Self checkout because it’s less embarrassing to put something back. And poor people have to good at math and adding percentages for tax.

pink_faerie_kitten , Gustavo Fring Report


People Share 62 “Poor Person Habits” That Rich People Have Probably Never Had To Do Adding water to the last bit of dish soap to make it last longer.

This woman I worked with who clearly never struggled was yelling about how gross that was.

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