“62 Surprising ‘Poor Person Habits’ You Won’t Believe Rich People Have Never Experienced!”
My husband was raised in a different “ class” and he is always negotiating bills like home and car insurance. This would never occur to me. I get a bill, I pay it.
Not being able to sleep because how hungry you are, not having a social life because you never had money, never having been out of the state your from /never traveled, calculating groceries before checkout, being frugal, thrifty and zero waste before it was trendy, I was always mortified as a kid someone I knew from school or the block would see me in the thrift store or flea market buying used clothes.
Go to food banks
Commuting by bus EVERY day.
Shop at thrift stores out of necessity
Don’t go to Taylor Swift concerta
Deep cleaning their house by themselves
Own the same car for over 10 years.
Taking less than your prescribed dosage of meds to try to ration them and save money
Once I had no money and I had to go to the urgent care to get some stitches removed, but remembering the $20 copay I opted to just take them out myself.
Be in a constant state of panic because tripping on the sidewalk and twisting your ankle could ruin your entire life when your 1/2 a paycheck away from homelessness.
Buy our clothes at the charity shops in the wealthy areas as rich people give away designer label clothing that has barely been worn.
Buying something often means sacrificing the opportunity to buy something else you’d like.
How much poor people truly despise rich people, even the ones sucking up to them and playing nice.
Portion your food out so that they last all week. You can bet that every potato or carrot is designated for something.
Only buying certain grocery items when they’re on sale e.g. chocolate.
Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room. Turn down the heat in winter, and up the AC in summer ….
– The amount of time you’ll take to decide which expensive thing to buy, because you only get one chance at this, and it’ll only happen once in your life, most likely.
– The amount of s**t you’ll save (boxes, soap, bubblewrap, bags, freebie-whatevers) just because it’s easier to save it, than buy it.