“79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say ‘I Can’t Marry You’?”
The relationship fell apart pretty quickly after that, which was for the best, anyway. Our values differentiated so substantially- money was really really important to his family, and not so much to me (I’d rather live a happy life doing what I enjoy and supporting myself than striving to be wealthy, his parents were upset when he wasn’t making 100k a year yet at 27). I have made a life for myself that I never would have had if we’d gotten married. I hope he is happy and doing well.
When we were looking for places to rent/buy for a home and she absolutely refused to compromise on where we’d be living. It’s a long story, but her reasoning in that moment told me all I really needed to know about where I was placed as importance in her mind.
Image credits: Cyanora
She called me at work to inform me that my favorite musician died and laughed in my face about it. (Edit: I’m an old – Jerry Garcia).
When she said she wanted to be poly, and tried to force me to be as well.
When he told me he expected me to stop working when we got married. He also refused upfront to “let me” go to law school. I said it wasn’t up to him, he voiced concern about paying back school debt. I said me working after I went to law school would pay back my loans.
Basically he wanted to control all the money, be able to cheat on me but also track my comings and goings (as he’d hold the financial strings).
I noped right out of there. He made A LOT of money back then and has gotten even richer but … who cares? He was a d**k. He was controlling,
manipulative, jealous and petty. No regrets. I can’t be bought. The irony was when I dumped him he claimed I was a gold digger. lol, sure buddy.