“79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say ‘I Can’t Marry You’?”

"79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say 'I Can't Marry You'?"

Then he went and married a gold digger who puts up with his s**t. I know this bc mutual friends confirmed it for me. ?.


He was going through major life changes as a result his communication skills got worse and worse and he was dissociating. I would send him resources upon resources to find affordable therapy and support groups but he was unwilling to even try. Can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.


Held on for a long time with someone who i know i wont end up with. religious and philosophical differences. Grew up very differently and we clashed too much. even though we trust each other and care for one another it’s hard to imagine building a life with someone you find yourself constantly irritated by how they think and the choices they make.


He and his friends forgot about me and left the bar while I was still in the bathroom.


She said “you were serious about that?” when she found out I was actively applying for Masters degree programs after a year of planning to do just that.  As it turns out she was not planning to follow through on achieving her career goals or any other goals for that matter.


When she told me if her deceased husband walked through the door id be out so fast…..


He called me fat. I’m 5’2” and was about 125 pounds at the time.


When I told him I was taking care of my parents and he said (that’s gross).


My mom got a stoke that left her partially paralyzed, while being her caretaker in the hospital, a question popped up in my head wondering if I would do the same if the person lying there was my then 5-year boyfriend, the answer for me was yes, but whether he would do the same, I didn’t think so. That was the seed of our breakup a year later.

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