“79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say ‘I Can’t Marry You’?”

"79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say 'I Can't Marry You'?"

This actually happened after we had split after many years, not while together… At first I desperately wanted her back, but this painful realization was maybe the first step of my truly moving on. (She eventually wanted to patch things up which I couldn’t bring myself to do).


When I got sober and realized our relationship is why my relationship with alcohol escalated. He was a good enough guy but after 4 years of absolute boredom (17 year age difference. I threw him his 40th) and lame sex (think no tongue kissing… just pecking for 4 years!) I just drank. I was a problem drinker for sure but being with him and in my 20s and not even so much knowing our views on religion or children or anything after 4 years, I was bored af and nearly drank myself to death. When I got sober I realized I wasn’t attracted to him, his political views, the racism, the slow nature with which he walked, all of it. I met my now husband in rehab and we are splendidly happy with two beautiful children living in a modest house with a low interest rate in a snooty suburb with good schools and zinnia gardens. lol it’s a little idealistic and I know I wouldn’t have it without that relationship, but yeah that’s now I knew. I quit drinking.


It should have been obvious but I didn’t see any of the signs. I got so hung up on dutifully staying together and putting all my effort into keeping things together. I was there thinking that it’ll get better in a couple of months and then I’ll see the sign that she’s the one to marry. 8 years of hoping things get better is a long time, and in the end she got bored of me and resentful towards me and she ended it.

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