“79 Heartbreaking Reasons Many Walked Away: What Made Them Say ‘I Can’t Marry You’?”
Image credits: Crafty_Maybe731
She lied badly about money and how much debt she was in. Her best friend showed me a text she had sent basically saying all I need is to get him to marry me and he’ll be stuck with my debts too.
Image credits: CelticB-stard
When I realized we had completely different life goals—like he wanted to travel the world non-stop, and I was more about settling down in one place.
Image credits: HOt_babes13
The day my boyfriend decided to quit his job because I made enough money to support both of us. Yeah I make enough to support us, but l am not going to support another grown adult.
We were a gay couple for reference.
Image credits: Samisoy001
When he said he wanted to have children together and my heart filled with dread at the thought of being permanently tied to him like that.
Image credits: NocteScriptor
When he didn’t come to visit me/ call me to check if I was ok after being diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis.
When he cheated on me then chastised me the following morning for “still going on about that”.
The way he talked about our future life together. He pictured me like a woman “without too much ambition” so that i could clean the house and raise his kids. And when he said something along the lines of “we’re gonna sign a prenup just so that I am safe” lol dude you drive a 1992 FIAT, you rent a flat with your mom and sister in the worst neighborhood and you’re between jobs, there’s literally nothing you have that i might want in a divorce settlement, get over yourself.