“65 Unexpected ‘Old Person’ Battles Millennials Are Fiercely Committing To—You Won’t Believe #17!”

"65 Unexpected 'Old Person' Battles Millennials Are Fiercely Committing To—You Won't Believe #17!"

Ever had one of those moments where you just know you’re gonna fight for something ridiculous until the end? Like, you’re prepared to go down in flames if it means keeping your beloved black leggings firmly in your wardrobe? Well, that’s exactly what one Redditor—who goes by the heroic name ‘Rooster’—declared in an uproarious Reddit thread that got Millennials all riled up about their ‘old person’ hills they’ll die on. Let’s be honest, we’ve all got those lines in the sand that we refuse to let anyone cross, whether it’s about the length of our socks, our undying love for a specific type of social media app, or our vehement distaste for noise pollution at the beach. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “What’s with these kids and their need to document every single thing?”—you’re definitely in for a treat!

Thus, let’s dive into this fascinating world of digital gripes where the Millennials have bravely banded together to voice their passionate prefs. Not only will you find the perennial complaints of aging, but also a refreshing glimpse into the quirks that define this era. Spoiler alert: the struggle is real, but laughter is free! So, grab a scroll and prepare to upvote—or maybe even chuckle—at what some of your peers have to say about their unyielding pastime: holding onto their ideals like their lives depend on it!

“My black leggings will have to be pulled from my cold dead hands,” said one redditor, when they were asked what ‘old person’ hill they were willing to die on. This unique discussion was started by a netizen going by the moniker ‘Rooster’ on Reddit, and resulted in quite an extensive list of answers shared by members of the ‘Millennials’ community.

Netizens covered all sorts of things, from a certain length of socks they prefer, to use of social media and technology, and more, showing that some things are staples for certain generations and that they’re not going anywhere. If you want to see the rest of their answers, scroll down to find more of redditors’ ‘hills to die on’ on the list below, and—if you’re a millennial yourself—feel free to upvote the ones you relate to the most.


No, you cannot listen to music / videos / calls / whatever in public without headphones.

Image credits: lyman_j


I hate downloading an app for every frickin’ thing. I ain’t clogging up my phone just for 1 baseball game ticket. Email to me a PDF of my ticket yo.

Image credits: beekaybeegirl


Reality Television did serious damage to the minds of the people in America.

Image credits: pcPRINCIPLElilB**CH


My hill is if I say I’m going to play video games or just relax all day, that means that’s my plan. I will not work an extra shift for you, I am not available for plans, I have plans. Just because you think they are stupid doesn’t mean I’m changing them.

Image credits: TiKi_Effect


Having a mental health disorder isn’t an excuse for s****y behavior.

Image credits: Fantastic_Manager911


Tips should be for sit down meals in restaurants only. I should not be asked to tip at random places like a clothing store or when I get my oil changed.

Image credits: New_Ad_7170


Not everything needs to be recorded/photographed and posted online. Whether it’s for good, taking excessive vacation pictures or for bad, like recording arguments between strangers.

Image credits: Li-IonClub


I am not instantly available at any waking moment just because it is technically possible for me to see your message immediately on my electronic device. If we didn’t have prior plans to be in contact, please allow 24-48 hours for response to all non-emergency communications.

Image credits: KuriousKhemicals


If I say something to you, I’d like an acknowledgement that you heard me.

Image credits: pie_12th


Please give me a real menu. I understood during COVID but I really hate having to try to scroll through a whole menu on my tiny a*s phone. ESPECIALLY if it’s just a PDF of their old menu that has tiny font and hasn’t been adapted for mobile view at all. If you’re going to have a QR code for a menu at least make sure it’s mobile friendly. And NO I will not download your app.

Image credits: HiddenSquish


This work text should be a work email. Do not text me on my personal number about work related things. Especially during non work hours.

Image credits: caviar-888


If you say you’re going to be somewhere, please show up. I understand things happen, but it seems like ghosting is just casual and accepted.

Image credits: ayannauriel


Dont show up uninvited, i need to mentally prepare for the visit no matter who it is. Im 37.

Image credits: Patrikiwi


Manners. Manners go a long way. Having and using manners make you feel good. It is about respecting other humans beings and showing them that you do. It feels good to be polite, respectful, and generous. Manners are not disingenuous. They help others feel welcome, comfortable, appreciated, and at ease. Always use “please,” “thank you,” hold doors open for people. Acknowledge others, be considerate of other people. Wish others well. Don’t be afraid to smile first. Think of how your actions impact others. Think of the next person. Be kind. Help others feel appreciated for sharing this existence with you.

Image credits: Jocelyn_Jade


If I ever see you hogging public space, making some cringe TikTok, I am intentionally walking between you and your camera to ruin your shot and you deserve it.

Image credits: featherwolf


Sometimes being mean is necessary. I’m tired of this notion that we should NEVER be mean to people. Obviously not unnecessary cruelty, but being mean to get a point across to someone pressing boundaries shouldn’t be seen as rude.

Image credits: w4rlok94


Automated phone systems. Let me talk to a live person.

Image credits: CreatureCampbell


Kids need to stop “diagnosing” themselves with all sorts of mental health conditions. Half the kids I meet casually talk about their adhd and/or autism. I understand seeking a medical diagnosis is inaccessible for a small number of people (due to finances, parental denial, etc) but it is not 50% of teenagers. There is a reason why we have diagnostic criteria. Being forgetful happens to us all sometimes. So does getting distracted in the middle of doing a task. That does not mean we all have adhd. So many kids I meet are self-diagnosing based on a 30-second TikTok they saw. Many 20-somethings I know are doing it as well.

On a related note, the overuse and misuse of “therapy language” also needs to stop. Someone who pushes back on you when you say something inaccurate is not an “abuser”. You can’t set a “boundary” that you get breaks whenever you want at work to play on your phone. Like, come on.

Image credits: dribdrib


If I have to pick just one, this is the one I pick. Toddlers/babies do NOT need to be attached to a phone all day every day. Especially if you have to fight and beg to get your OWN phone back from them. Establish rules with your kids and stop trying to be their friend cuz you “feel bad for them” you’re the parent! its up to you to parent, not a screen. (disclaimer I don’t have any kids of my own but I see way too many parents just handing their babies a phone so they don’t have to deal with em).

Image credits: randomosityposts


People who play music at the beach suck. The rest of us shouldn’t have to listen to your noise pollution. I’m there for the sights, smells and sounds of nature. I want to hear the wind, waves, birds and s**t. Just the sounds of people playing and having fun is great too. We don’t need to blast music that covers all of that like a thick cloud. Get some headphones.

Image credits: Gustavo_Polinski


New car headlights are too damn bright.

Image credits: pnwerewolf


Paying 1000 dollars for a phone is unnecessary.

Image credits: SpanishFlamingoPie


If you need my email for something, I don’t need your product. F**k you.


Writing notes by hand on paper helps me remember better than typing notes.

Paper books are better than kindles for the same reason- I remember what I’m reading and where things are on the page.

QR codes suck.

I miss magazines and the way they smelled. Getting a big fat Cosmo or rolling stone in the mail and knowing I had reading material for at least a week and then could cut up the pages for Look Books or collages.

Image credits: RueTabegga


We do not need to follow every single trend we see on the internet.

Just because it’s a trend does not mean you must do it.

No, you DON’T need the new expensive super big gulp metal cup that comes in an array of colors.

No, you DON’T need to buy a bunch of clear plastic/glass containers to restock your fridge/pantry when food ALREADY comes in containers.

No, you DON’T need make your home look like it came from a magazine or sad beige channel.

No, you DON’T need a 100 step skincare routine.

No, you DON’T need to get filler just because your face is maturing out of teen hood.

Trends come and go, and thanks to our ever shortening attention spans, they go almost as soon as they come.

Pretty soon, people will regret spending all their time and money on those trends and then move on to the next big trend that will leave them equally, if not more, unfulfilled.

Just be happy with what you have.

Image credits: Spookybeagle


Why does everything have to be abbreviated? Our smartphones dang near type for us yet I still get messages that I have to use my Captain Planet decoder ring to decipher!

Image credits: bigcountryredtruck


I hate dealing with touchscreen keyboards. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to type on them nearly as fast as I can on a physical keyboard.

Image credits: lahdetaan_tutkimaan


I wish things had fewer unnecessary buttons. A hundred functions, but I’d rather it do two functions well and last twice as long. More isn’t always better.

Also, things should be built to be repaired.

Image credits: ursulaholm


I get so angry when I see people using their phone in their hand while driving and not paying attention to the road. Get a phone mount.

Image credits: chessieba


When you are sharing the sidewalk with other human beings, look where you’re going instead of your phone screen. Nobody has to move out of your way because you’re too busy to raise your head.


Multiple times per week I have to beep at someone in front of me to go because the light has turned green. I even given them a 3-5 second grace period before I do it. Get off your f*****g phone!!!


Pajamas pants as everyday fashion is *the dumbest thing.*.

Image credits: N_Who


My kid needs to learn how to drive manual. I’ve got a handful of friends that their kids don’t even want to drive! I’ve seen far too many horror movies where the only way out is some piece of c**p ol car, gotta learn how to drive anything kid! ?.

Image credits: TheDarlizzle


Ignoring your dog for hours while they bark at obscene hours of the night and throughout the day. Take care of your damn PET. It’s not an ornamental decoration for your family photos. Plus I need sleep to deal with my crabby-the-world-is-ending teen’s drama and hormonal filled life. While we’re talking about animals, spay and neuter your pets. I’m tired of seeing the euthanasia list daily for my local shelter because people are careless or want to make a quick buck before dumping them.


The environment. I’m not that old but def getting there. Can’t fing believe how stupid people are about destroying our planet. It’s infuriating, selfish, and pathetic.


There is no reason my appliance or television needs an internet connection.

Edit: Some of you have very strong opinions about streaming directly from the TV.

Image credits: Haemwich


I am so f*****g tired of advertisements. Jesus tiddy f*****g christ. They don’t work on me. I just disregard them. Stop f*****g bombarding me. If I was going to use your product or previously did and you send me ads, I’ll find something else.

Image credits: therobshow


The world was a better place when it was considered taboo to talk about political views. I remember my parents would offhandedly comment at home about who they were planning on voting for and then immediately be like “don’t ever repeat that at school, and never ask someone who they’re voting for, that’s private and nobody else’s business”. Now we need to wear stupid hats and hang flags off of our pickup trucks, and look at us.

Image credits: skykitty89


Important stuff is reserved for laptops and computers. Booking a flight, studying for an exam, etc.

Also is it really necessary for me to have 5 different apps for my child’s school?! Gotta check bing bing for attendance. Sign in to fuzzy bear for assignments. Message teachers on Atward. Like PLEASE WHY NOT JUST ONE CENTRALIZED PLACE.

Image credits: ThatEmoNumbersNerd


I’m the oldest queer person at my work with the others ranging from 17-23. So, mine is related to behaviors I’ve observed from them and from a lot of other lgbt zoomers. I think a lot of people nowadays have turned experiencing oppression into a virtue and or like…almost something fun? (Yes, if you were wondering, all of us are white) And a lot of people treat having a fluid or complicated gender/sexual identity or being kinky or polyamorous as something that’s more enlightened and morally superior compared to being like, a monogamous cis butch lesbian with a wife and kids, or a binary trans person who wants all the surgeries and hormones and wants to pass and be treated just like anyone else of your gender.


My black leggings will have to be pulled from my cold dead hands.


UI has gotten steadily worse since Windows XP.


The way that Gen Z makes hearts with their hands makes me deeply unsettled.

Image credits: TheRainbowConnection


Leave your dog at home.


Current day Rap is f*****g terrible.




Ok, I have another… TV’s, Blue Ray/DVD players…they should have enough buttons on front so that you can use all of the basic functions without the remote.


Hate doing things on my phone. It’s too small and typing stuff out with my thumbs is awful. My MacBook is the perfect communication/internet device and I can text directly from it (if you’re iPhone) too.


My god, the fashion is terrible. I don’t care if my clothes and side part age me, at least I don’t look like a GIANT DORK. (Thanks for the space to rant, I feel much better now!).


Pedestrians walking into the crosswalk without looking. You realize a car can and will hurt you and any speed if the driver isn’t paying attention.

It’s not a game I’m willing to play. Stop, make eye contact, then cross.


If you’re going to camp, then bring a tent, and forget about trailers or motor homes. Leave your electronics and recreational vehicles at home. The more of home that you bring with you, and the more noise you make, the more you’ve missed the point of coming out to the wilderness.


More like an unpopular opinion, but the further further into the new generations get the more and more I feel they just like to complain about anything and everything. Like it does not matter a Gen Zer will complain about the most stupid thing in the world. Like Eminem. You do not speak for your whole generation or anyone else’s so stop talking. Also, they are going to have trouble in life because they do not know basic life skills. And instead of getting off of their a*s and learning them, they’re just gonna blame other generations that they don’t know how to do things. And I’m honestly over it.


Wearing a bike helmet.

I remember being a kid in the 90s when it became a law in California that anyone under the age of 18 had to wear a helmet when riding a bike and it was kind of a big deal at the time. Yet, I see kids without them all the time. Yeah, they make look silly, but so does your alpaca haircut. Which one do you think will protect you from a TBI?


The teenagers thinking they are funny or cool being obnoxious in the store. It’s not cute. ?.


Wireless earbuds are trash. .


Kiddo, you can’t change your style every two weeks and attach core to a random buzzword. You need to look into your soul, your lifestyle, your likes and dislikes, and make boundaries about what goes on your body. I hate to go back in my day, but back in my day when we were goth, we only had the power of our imaginations and our DIY skills to create a look. We ripped fishnets, shredded jeans, raided Halloween stores army surplus and thrift stores, learned to sew, forgot to hem, held our clothes together with safety pins and hot glue, used white out on our combat boots, made our jewelry, used copious amounts of eyeliner and dyed our hair with kool-aid and splat. We made our styles ourselves. If we did buy something, we either had to save up for docs and Tripp pants, and God forbid you were Lolita because those dresses started at 500 dollars in those days.


$ signs go on the left, damnit!


If you’re wearing a suit you should be wearing dress shoes, not tennis shoes!


Text message reactions are literally the most unnecessary thing technology has produced. I don’t want to check my phone during an ongoing conversation to see a reaction only to check it when I get yet another notification a few minutes later with a message that conveys *the same reaction.*

Stop it, young people. And my parents. And my husband. Ok, just about everybody but me.


If you want to read the newspaper, pay for the newspaper. Journalism costs money.


Stop changing how we use credit cards. First it went from swipe to chip. Now you want me to tap it? I’m not tapping it.


Nothing I hate more than text responses. Boomers have really picked this up too. I told my parents I got a new job and I got a “like”.


It’s funny that just today, I had a “heart” reaction from my 69 year old dad, which never happened before, but my 41 year old self has still never used such a thing.


Apparently it’s crew / no-show socks for me. I don’t like the way the higher ones cut off the circulation (ok, maybe I’m overdramatic here).

Image credits: Tmoran835


“Ate and left no crumbs” or just “ate.” LOATHE. IT!

Also, Mom texted that her cousin died. PHONE CALL, PLEASE.

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