“Unveiled Secrets: How Tech Giants Like Google and Apple Forged a Pivotal Alliance in the 2000s”

"Unveiled Secrets: How Tech Giants Like Google and Apple Forged a Pivotal Alliance in the 2000s"

Have you ever wondered what it takes for tech giants to decide who gets hired and who doesn’t? Well, buckle up because we’re diving into a bizarre chapter from the 2000s that reads more like a corporate thriller than business as usual. Imagine Google, Apple, Adobe, and Intel—names that ring like rock stars—deciding to team up behind closed doors. But instead of collaborating on a game-changing product, they struck an unofficial deal that’s just about as shady as it gets: a pact not to poach each other’s employees. Yes, you heard that right! This unholy alliance was all about keeping salaries low. I mean, are we really living in the Wild West of the digital age?! So, let’s peel back the curtain on this corporate conspiracy and uncover the lengths these mega-corporations went to in order to play nice while keeping their wallets fat.

During the 2000s, Google, Apple, Adobe, Intel, and several other mega-corporations had a mutual agreement not to hire each other’s employees in order to keep salaries low. [1, 2]

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