“These 79 Hilariously Awkward Moments Will Make You Understand Why They’re Still Single!”

"These 79 Hilariously Awkward Moments Will Make You Understand Why They’re Still Single!"

Romance—let’s be honest, it can feel like an exclusive club, right? Not everyone’s cut out for the whole love-and-laughter routine. Some folks just don’t have that romantic DNA, and others? Well, they prefer the company of their cat to a dinner date any day. In the U.S., statistics tell a rather surprising tale, revealing that about 31% of adults identify as single, whether that means they’re not married or living with a partner. This figure, however, isn’t even across the board; younger adults, particularly those aged 18 to 29, clock in at a staggering 41% of the single demographic. Seems like they’re more interested in swiping left than settling down!

Curious about what keeps some people stuck in the singles lane, a Reddit user named TakinShots posed a thought-provoking question: What’s the dumbest thing you’ve witnessed someone say or do that instantly made you understand why they’re single? Well, buckle up! The responses are nothing short of cringe-worthy and downright hilarious. From misguided comments about women to painfully awkward first-date stories, these snippets give a glimpse into the sometimes ridiculous reasons some folks remain unattached. Let’s dive into them and laugh (or cringe) together!

Romance isn’t for everyone. It requires certain qualities that some of us simply do not possess. Not to mention, there are those who do not want a relationship at all.

In the US, for example, about three in ten adults (31%) report being singleᅳthat is, not married, living with a partner, or in any other form of commitment. However, it’s worth pointing out that this percentage varies significantly across demographic groups, with 41% among 18- to 29-year-olds compared to 23% of 30- to 49-year-olds.

Interested in these dynamics, Reddit user TakinShots made a post on the platform, asking everyone to share the stupidest thing they’ve witnessed a person say or do that made them instantly understand why they’re single. Here are the responses they have received.


Seems 18-25 year old lads talking about Andrew Tate and wondering why girls can’t stand them.

Image credits: lordadriancrossofsea


“Women don’t know what they want. That’s why they need a confident man to tell them what they want.”

Interesting. Seems to me like it takes an adverage of 2 weeks for women to deside they don’t want you.

Image credits: SadPandaFromHell


Maybe not the dumbest thing he’s said but it’s the most consistent.

My brother, literally anytime a woman is mad or even just annoyed with him: “Aww did your period just start?”

I’m convinced my brother will die a virgin. It’s better for humanity that way. My husband worked with someone who knows my brother and she told him that my brother’s attitude and behavior towards her and her friends is the reason she’s a lesbian.

Image credits: McSmashley


“I only want to sleep with under 21s because I want to feel firm flesh”

Said by a 30 year old involuntary celibate to a room full of 30 year old women.

Image credits: bubberoff


“It’s for me okay to beat woman, I mean sometimes they really deserve it” I was like RUN. RUN as fast as you can to myself hahah.

Image credits: Significant_Road5744


Coworker had a short relationship and breakup and was obviously depressed about it, so I engaged and asked about it.

His comment was “I just don’t understand how to make women feel like I believe that their opinion matters, when they always have such stupid life views”.

I was hoping it was just a weird way of saying he’s struggling to treat women equally so I asked him to talk about it a bit. Didn’t misunderstand– to him, mens’ views are obviously superior and it’s all about simply pretending that women matter, and he was struggling hard to do that.

Image credits: tacoeater1234


He brought his mom on our first date and asked her to order for both of us.

Image credits: Dense-Antelope-5472


“You know how women like it when you show ‘em who’s boss?”.

Image credits: Shmeatenforcement


Quote from a bloke I used to work with…
"You'll never find me washing the dishes. That's women's work."

Image credits: geth1962


"It's hard for me to find a girlfriend my age because I want them to be a virgin, so I HAVE TO go for younger girls".

And when I asked him why he wanted them to be a virgin he said "because I find them disgusting when they've had a p*nis in them idk".

Image credits: generaltitsweat


“All women want is money” because I asked what he did for work. He was unemployed. Sir, we are both almost 30. We aren’t kids anymore, how are you able to make such a statement when you don’t even have a job? I don’t want your money, I want to date a grown man who isn’t looking to turn his girlfriend into his mother so he doesn’t have to do anything all day.


20yo guy receiving pocket money from his mother just went: "Women are just broke, depending on us to go on a date" (I was going to pay my half of the bill).

Image credits: AlinaKiss


“I don’t need to shower daily, my natural musk attracts the ladies.” Spoiler: it doesn’t.

Image credits: DangerousBugInMe


A friend of a friend who used to hang out with my roommates. Bigger guy, didn’t really take care of himself, didn’t do anything except get high and play GTA V. “Women these days won’t date anyone unless they make six figures.” Yeah dude, that’s definitely the problem for you. Has nothing to do with the lack of hygiene.


Any variation of that stupid quote “if they can’t handle me at my worst, they don’t deserve me at my best.”

Image credits: swarleyscoffee


"Women don't ever know what they want so why does their opinion matter? Have you ever been shopping with one or asked them where they want to eat?"

My first thought was, wow you're going to die alone or married to a woman that stuck around just to punish you.

Image credits: Ambiguity_Aspect


“I want a wife who is powerful and accomplished and has money but who will defer to me as the head of the household in accordance to Gods Will.”

I s**t you not.


I was on one of these forums and a guy suggested that I do OnlyFans since my career is unsuccessful. I Googled his name and the first thing to pop up was a news story on him falsely accusing his girlfriend of bringing a bomb onto an aircraft. He was sentenced to 2 years of prison.

Image credits: Yann-LeCun


A guy I was taking to said if a man can overpower a woman it’s fair game. I don’t know if he really thought that or if he was just pulling people’s chains.

Image credits: gitarzan


“Women already have too many rights in this country, it’s what is causing all these problems.” – I just stared at them.

Image credits: NoCalWidow


"I would never trust a female surgeon" and "The Bible says man before woman."

Image credits: KBReadsALot


Friend dated a guy who took her cat to the shelter as a stray. The cat was chipped and they called her to pick it up. She couldn’t figure out how the cat got out and the boyfriend claimed he didn’t know.

It happened a second time, and she had the cameras checked for the person dropping the cat off. She called him on it and he denied it.

She broke up with him, but I always joke that she drove him to the shelter instead.


A partner will find me. Said by a person who works in an all female industry and never goes anywhere but work.

Image credits: spanglesandbambi


Its hard to point to one particular thing but this ex co worker basically blamed every sickness, every societal ill, every wrong our world has on “Eve corrupting Adam with her stupidity and snakelike charms”. Dude would also complain how every girl he (forcibly) asked out would stand him up and ghost him. If he was still a co worker i can guarantee you he would label himself an “alpha”.


“I didn’t take that COVID vaccine man, who knows what they put in there”.


"She's too fat" a short balding friend says about a healthy weight women who is out of his league.

Image credits: Trollselektor


I occasionally get migraines, and one of my coworkers asked me how my husband feels about me having migraines. Which I thought was a weird question but I replied along the lines of “he feels bad that he can’t do anything to help me when I have one.”

Coworker then says, “No, I mean, because like I couldn’t deal being with a woman that had an illness or something like that, I’m too high energy for that, I wouldn’t be able to be with her.”

I said, so you think that my husband would want to leave me because I get migraines? He said yeah. I said, so if you were married and your wife got sick with something like cancer or some other disease, you’d leave her? He said yeah I didn’t sign up for all of that.

I politely told him to never get married with that attitude, people can’t help that they’re sick. Damn.


Friend of mine struggles with anxiety and just generally doesn’t handle social situations well, so struggled with women for many years. Finally got talking to a girl on a dating app and asked her out – he was taking her to lunch for the afternoon, and asked if my wife and I would meet them afterwards for drinks.

When we met them for drinks, it turns out they grabbed McDonald’s and drove around town to places from Craigslist so he could buy Magic The Gathering cards. He wore sweatpants and flipflops (it was winter and snowy.) He spent most of our time angrily ranting about how an upcoming minimum wage increase was going to kill the economy and close businesses. He makes minimum wage.

He never saw her again.


“I’m looking for the perfect partner. We will never fight, we will never argue, we will never disagree on anything.”

Edit: The more I think about this comment, the more I realize it’s very close to an abusive relationship. The very foundation of a good relationship is constructive communication and constructive conflict resolution. To put it over your partner that they must never disagree with you, or you will break up with them, is actually quite abusive.


“You just gotta understand women, bro. The kinda stupid and need guidance, be that guide.”
Rumor has it he is still giving advice to highschoolers.


I once ordered shawarma and the guy at the counter asked if I wanted garlic sauce. I responded, Sure put lots, I don’t have a girlfriend.

His response was: maybe that’s why you don’t have a girlfriend.

To add to the garlic fun: I once had a coworker that said: " I could eat my own shoe with garlic ".


They start their sentence with “females”.


Honestly, just any person seething with hatred for the opposite sex. How on earth do you expect to date someone you see as worthless? This goes for both “women shouldn’t speak, only cook, clean and birth my offspring” men and “all men are sexist pigs that don’t deserve any respect” women.


We had a friend in high school say to us that a good woman was like a cat: “you can ignore them as much as you want, do what you want with them when you feel like it, and if they start crying for attention you won’t feel bad kicking them.”

Now he’s a middle-aged never-been-married father of multiple kids he is not allowed to see. Never would have guessed!


When I hear men, usually straight and Caucasian (but not always) espousing the red pill nonsense, it makes me cringe.

I wish they could understand that they are being told what they want to hear, where they are the victims of some grand conspiracy… when really what they’re experiencing is not being handed the world like they were promised.

I have / had a friend that went hardcore right wing / Alex Jones during the pandemic and never returned. We went out drinking a couple times and it just became too awkward for us to maintain a friendship. He was also dating a girlfriend of mine, who dumped him slightly before he went fully insane, and likely contributed to him falling into the void.

The red pill guys just don’t understand the irony of their prerogative: I.e they are mad that they are being forced into a lifestyle and culture they don’t agree with and painted as “the bad guys”, when literally every single one of their policy objectives seeks to subjugate every racial, gender and sexual minority lol.

They suddenly think that vaccines are a communist conspiracy, and political correctness is brainwashing, while simultaneously legislating what women and trans people can do with their own bodies, and policing what literature and education is acceptable. They want freedom of speech while also being terrified of people learning anything that contradicts their version of reality.

In short, the red pill guys who identify as incels should maybe realize that maybe they’re single because their political and philosophical stance fundamentally sees women as beneath them; objects owed to them; incubators; stupid; vapid; weak; etc.

You can’t complain about being single and nobody wanting to f**k you when you are supporting convicted r*pists and conmen for public office and in media..


I worked with a single guy that wanted to find an Aussie woman to marry because American women ‘gave too much lip’. I had to break it to him that an Aussie woman would kick his butt viciously and leave him crippled for even thinking like that.


Years ago I happened to meet a friend of some friends and he seemed nice, interesting, good looking etc. I was wondering where the catch is when he asked me out.

We went out once. He told me that since I was going to be his gf from now on (whaaaat?) I was not allowed to wear shorts, short skirts, short dresses, anything with any cleavage, and tight fitting clothes. Also he expected me to quit my job because he was willing to provide for me.

I told him that this isn’t gonna work and I do not want to be his gf. I am not even interested in becoming his friend any more.

He nagged to all our common friends that he is a nice guy, has a good job, treats women well and it’s not right that I rejected him.


I was on a first date and the guy was going on and on about some boys trip he just took with a few college buddies.

Then he said "and my friend, Rob, was like 'wait until these b**ches figure out we're not choking them because they like it!' hahaha!"

Like dude, you're telling me you hate women (or your friend does, and it amuses you) on our first date.


I was at a party where a man had been invited specifically to meet a woman who would be there – it was a set up, in other words. He asked her to play pool, a very innocent and pleasant way to get to know someone, right? Well he immediately started to dominate the game and he held NOTHING back, including taunting her when she made bad shots (and just criticizing everything she did in general). Of course he won and rubbed it in her face like he was a 12 year old (Think – IN YOUR FACE, LOSER!!!!). And these people were in their 30's. It was straight out of a sitcom or something. Everyone who saw it knew why he was (and would remain) single.


A guy at work got ghosted by his girlfriend. She completely cut him off. I felt bad for him until I spent more time around him. He started saying things like “hey, you’re a sandwich maker and dishwasher rolled into one.” Another time he said “I bet you can’t wait to go be someone’s wife so you can take care of the kids.” That girl ran for the hills and I’m proud of her.


I still wonder how the guy who asked to touch my teeth at dinner on a first date is doing…


Oh my god, okay. There was a LOT that got said over 2 dinner dates and an afternoon walk, but the real tipping point was this:

At an hour-ish dinner, he arrived late, demonstrated how to use Find My for your AirPods for 10 minutes, talked about *and demonstrated* how bright his bike light is for 15 minutes, embarrassed the waitress with extended conversation, and *mansplained my own highly-specific job to me* for another 10. 

When something he said presented this side topic, I wrestled away control for 5 minutes to tell him about the DB Cooper air hijacking. He immediately changed the subject as soon as I was done. 

As he walked me home, he said:

“Empathy is all about considering what the other people around you want. When you wasted time at dinner telling that airplane story, you clearly didn’t think about whether or not I would find it interesting, and I had stuff I wanted to talk about. No wonder people don’t think you’re empathetic.” .


Him: Dude I literally can’t date any woman doesn’t weigh less 120lbs and has a body like my ex…

Really? *Who wouldn’t want to get with your alcoholic overweight, unemployed, and unhygienic a*s?*.


Talk about how sexy 14 year olds are.


I was at RenFest with some friends. I was looking at clothing with a girlfriend while our now-husband were outside with the single guy. They’re eating steak on a stake when on says “Oh, I should save some for (girlfriend).”

Single guy says “Why can’t she just get her own?” Without missing a beat, friend replies, “And that is why you’re single.” This was 10-15 years ago. Last I heard, he was still very single.


A former colleague of mine in his early 20s once explained that right now he sleeps with girls he finds attractive and is very careful about contraception, but his plan is that the minute he turns 29, he finds an ugly fat woman who clings to him, he pokes a few condoms, and he has a child. Then dumps her and goes back to sleeping with cute girls (btw, notice the “girls”) for another decade, and around 40 when the kid is less annoying, he’ll slow down and ask for shared custody.

I was like, well, that’s a… plan, I guess. It certainly is planned.


He was an intelligent, good looking and fairly successful guy. I grew up with him and kind of admired him but he ended up going down a weird incel/red pill hole. The last time we met up he sat on a couch next to us scrolling through* some dating app and referred to the women using terms like “high value” and “prey.” He unironically referred to himself as a “hunter.” We don’t talk anymore.


I have an acquaintance who will pursue a woman with the sole intention of sleeping with her, take her out on dates, eventually sleep with her, then be "heartbroken" because she's "just like all those other sl**s out there, why are all women such tramps, these sl**s give it up too easy," etc…*because she slept with him after weeks of dating.* Then, he proceeds to ghost them and openly s**t talk about them to mutual friends. Then, proceeds to complain about being single and blame it on women being too promiscuous.


Friend of mine that’s pretty much told me he’s really only in the relationship because he wants a child and he effectively couldn’t really give less of a s**t about whether the woman is compatible.


I’m in my 30’s with kids, done a LOT of living since highschool, and I met up with an old friend from those days. She complained at length about how she can’t find anyone, then confided in me, “No one else understands the real us, they’re all just NPC’s and we truely understand each other.” She was stuck in her highschool phase, and was convinced that since those were the BEST years of her life, that must be true of everyone. I get that saying, *these are the best years of your life* in reference to highschool as a way of being aware of how truely carefree you can be at that age, but if those days are *ACTUALLY* the best years of your life… ouch.


Pretty sure this was a first date, but the dude kept talking about military dictatorships and empires FOR ONE WHOLE HOUR. I’m not joking I don’t think I heard her open her mouth once except to pay the bill and this dude WAS LOUD. Highlights include: praising fascist dictatorships and getting a little too into the Portuguese caste system, she was black, he was white.

I wanted to write run on a napkin to her.


Worked with a guy that would just fart or belch whenever he felt like it.

This included times he was in elevators or standing at the only exit of rooms.

His excuse was always “it slipped”.


In the talking and early dating stages of my relationship with my ex he said and did all the right things. I couldn’t understand why someone who said such sweet things and did such thoughtful caring things was so single…

A few months into our relationship he was progressively starting to drink heavily and then I found an AA completion plaque that he had hidden and failed to mention to me.


“Men need to understand that I’m the Queen, and deserved to be treated as such.”

Said to me by a sorority sister when I was 18, and she was 20. At 42, she is still single.


I met my wife because she had been pursuing a mutual friend who never figured out that she was being pursued, including when she was explicitly asked on a date. Six months into my relationship with my now-wife, I thanked our friend for fumbling the bag and she was confused.


My boyfriend has a friend that said “you can’t even flirt anymore without worrying about being accused of harassment.” I told him “it’s harassment if you keep flirting when they don’t want you to, so just make sure they want you to or stop.” He shut up and fumed like I was the one who said something wrong.


He was laughing his a*s off while telling me his funniest story. He went to pick up a pizza, met a drunk woman at the bar, and after she willingly gave him oral, she refused to have sex with him, so he pushed her out of his truck in an area she was completely unfamiliar with. He laughed SO HARD telling me this.


“No. I don’t know what she wants from me.” Right after his ex-gf literally enumerated all she wanted from him. He was basically spoonfed. And I’m sitting there, “Ohh that’s why.”.


Guy talked about how he asked a girl out and went to a burger place. Once there he asked her if she had brought any money, when she said no he went “oh that’s too bad” and proceeded to get a burger for himself and ate it whole while she just sat there watching. He then dropped her at her home and never heard back from her.


A girl I knew who was permanently single said that she asked for reassurance almost every day. This definitely gets old. Fix yourself. Guys aren’t obligated to fix your anxiety issues.


I had two good friends. Both were doctors, both were originally from India, both were lonely and always talking about how much they wanted to meet someone. They were also both very good and kind people, they had a lot in common, and I thought they would make a great match. When I first tried to set them up they were both quite interested, but then they had to know what part of India the other was from and I did not know. Turns out one was from the North and the other was from the South so they did not want to meet. Last I heard neither one ever married.


A female friend of mine was having a hard time picking up guys she liked even though she is very good looking. She tagged along on a group outing with a few couples and other just friends. We asked her to go talk to a guy she thought was cute at the bar to give her some pointers. He had just ordered some IPA or something and she walks up and says something along the lines of “{to the guy} those are gross, you should drink a real beer like Miller Lite. {Turns to bartender} Bartender, get this guy a Miller Lite please, on his tab. {back to guy} My name is Cindy, whats up?”

He just looked bewildered, was handed a Miller Lite from the bartender and quickly exited stage left after more of her awkward advances. She was not a fan of our feedback and is still single and complaining about finding guys she finds acceptable.


I know a guy who is 40s, balding, bad glasses, warts on his face, no career, drives a base model Kia, 2 roommates of equal quality (and no interest on making improvements on any of that even at his age)…and his ask list for a partner is no less than Alexandra daddario (and he wants her to have/make her own money and have a successful career too).


I worked with a guy who never missed a chance to brag about how perfect his d**k was. At one point, someone asked him, “bro what’s the point of a great c**k of you never use it?” Because we’d never actually seen him with a girl, or a date, or even really talk to a girl when we’d go out for drinks or something.

He replies, “I know what I bring to the table. She ain’t even worth talking to unless she gonna suck it first.” We laugh, and then realize he’s serious. And he’s ALWAYS felt that way. And that he was pushing 30 years old, and was still a virgin. And yet he was still 100% convinced that the problem was all the girls who weren’t introducing themselves on their knees.


Not the man himself, but I was talking to the mother of a divorced guy I know and she’s telling me that while she babysits his kids she’s been doing his garden, painting his house and making dinner from scratch and the she says, “He’s always complaining that I use too many pots and pans and make a mess when I cook.”

And now I know why his wife left him.


Candid with my partner about the specifics of my bachelor party (which was completely benign fun) the morning after. One of my perpetually single mates asked why I bothered filling her in on something that didn’t concern her.


“I don’t understand why I can’t find a loyal man who is ok with me sleeping with whoever i want. I have so much love I can’t just give it to only one person.”.


“whatever you can do, I can do better”

A couple friends and I helped setup one of our friends to meet a girl that we all thought would be a good match for him. My friend was a tall country boy who was a little rough around the edges, but he has the heart of gold, will help anyone out, but the brain power of a scarecrow. The date we planned on going great, as they were both mechanics and she was a tomboy who was excited to go on the meetup. She was very cute and outgoing, but the whole interaction between the two of them still pains me to this day.

This poor girl made every effort to talk with him about subjects that they had in common and would be engaging(like engines, cars, building a garage, and even vaping), and my friend being a dumbass, just kept on telling her that everything she could do, he could do better. Like I was witnessing someone film that stupid [Nike Commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liKnJ-ejztw). After 30-minutes of getting to know each other, the poor girl had enough of his belittling/teasing, and had her friend rescue her from the restaurant as the conversation was going so poorly(they were supposed to go to a bonfire together afterwards).

To this day, I can’t tell if this was my friends feeble attempt at flirting, or if he had reverted back to his 6-year old self. It was like watching a car accident in slow motion, and his ill-fated attempt of a conversation still pains me to my loins. He still doesn’t realize what he did wrong.


My buddy, on a double date, after talking with this friend of ours for 2-3 weeks literally asked “if the carpet matched the drapes”. She didn’t hear what he said (or couldn’t believe it) so asked him to repeat himself and he did.

My then wife, the lady in question, and a circle of women 10 feet around us made the unmistakable sound of vagina’s slamming shut.


I went on a first date with a guy who seemed pretty charming, decent looking, and intelligent via meeting on a dating app. He was new to the city so I offered to meet him for lunch.

We get to the restaurant and after about 10-15 minutes of small talk, he proceeds to start pointing out other men who were dining and categorizing them as an “alpha” or a “beta”. I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not…

After he concludes pointing out single every man in the restaurant, he points to himself and says “I’m an alpha. I don’t think you’ve been with any since this city is shallow and full of betas but I’m down to show you what that means.”

I don’t know how on god’s green earth I finished that meal in his presence but I did. I promptly let him know later that day via text that we weren’t a good fit but thanks for the time and he proceeded to tell me that I wasn’t going to find anyone better, but good luck trying.


“I want to meet someone at a bar or something, not a dating app.”

This person never goes out. Only goes to work. Also really want kids…


“It’s a good thing you have guy friends because men are more logical”.


This guy I met yesterday didn’t want to answer basic get to know you questions because he was worried I wouldn’t like his answers and I wouldn’t be interested in him any more. I was like… don’t you think that’s manipulative? Don’t you want people to like you for you? He’s like, “ no, I also don’t like saying things to people that might hurt them. Like let’s say we’re dating and I cheat on you, I would never tell you because I don’t want to hurt you.” And then argued about why I was wrong to want the truth and he was right.


Asked if I had any single friends, I told him no. He dead a*s replied “Damn. How hard is it to find someone to just blow me and make me sandwiches. You don’t even have any ugly friends for me?”.


Said in a potential partner they were looking for:

Multiple passports so they could live in Europe or North America

$100K minimum salary

Own their own home

Own their own car, from a luxury brand

Have a 6 pack abs

Non smoking

There were other criteria that I’m forgetting about. This coming from someone who was, to put it lightly, not a catch.


I once heard someone say they wouldn’t date anyone who didn’t share their exact taste in music. It’s a bit like refusing to eat at a restaurant because they don’t have your favorite dish—it’s missing out on the richer experience of discovering new flavors and connections beyond just the familiar.


Was on a date with this girl and something came on about politics and she made a comment about knowing nothing about world events to the point that she didn’t know about the whole ‘Republican and democrats thing’. Literally the least interesting human being I’ve ever met.


Friend was invited to dinner and a movie.

A $3 frozen pizza and Scooby-Doo at the gentlemen’s home despite a mini mall with $1 slices next to a repertory theatre playing Batman and Batman Returns for $6 per person both movies clearly visible across the street.

Replays Daphne sliding down the pole scene several times in slow motion. Negs Daphne for being too large and having floppy udders. Says he would let her blow him so long as she kept them hidden. Tells friend not to worry, that he would do her in the dark until she loses enough weight to be acceptable looking with the lights on.

Knocking on the door displays a neighbor demanding him to move his van out of her spot. Tells date now that she knows he has a van, not to expect a ride home and curses neighbor stating he should just chain her up in the van to teach her a lesson. Watches him move a rattling pos rusty white work van into someone else’s spot.

Is very upset friend did not want to go dutch, $2, for the pizza because they used his power etc as well and accuses her of gold digging. She says she was given 1/4 of the pizza as she looks like she has eaten plenty today already.

This tale comes to light at a group outing when friend 2 mentions being asked out by the guy.

She thinks tale is exaggerated and we agree to meet back the day after the date for brunch and gossip. Identical experience, including neighbor and same Scooby-Doo movie.

This man makes 90k and looks like Boglin.


This one is actually pretty funny.

Met this guy at a concert. Told him he was hot. Exchanged contact info. We went out to dinner and to the movies a few times. Hung out at events we were both at.

Mind you, he’s hot, funny, polite, really socially awkward but overall very nice.

Man was floored when I finally just asked him point blank if he wanted to have sex. He did not perceive my interest.

When I met him, I wondered hard why he was single. It’s a small town, ya know? Like… Good men are in short supply.

It’s cause he’s oblivious. Completely oblivious. Last time we went out, a really hot lady was trying to pick him up and I just sat back and watched her send signal after signal and drop hint after hint and it rolled off him like water off a duck.

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