“Family Feud Erupts: Sisters Cut Brother Out of Inheritance—What Really Sparked the Controversy?”

"Family Feud Erupts: Sisters Cut Brother Out of Inheritance—What Really Sparked the Controversy?"

Inheriting money is supposed to be a bittersweet experience, right? You gain a financial boost while grappling with the heartache of losing a loved one. But throw in a dash of sibling rivalry, and you’ve just opened the floodgates to potential chaos! When one person in the family walks away with the entire inheritance—while another sibling is left cash-strapped and asking for a share to pay their taxes—well, that’s the recipe for a family drama fit for a soap opera. 

Recently, a netizen took to the internet for advice, pondering whether they had crossed a line by refusing to help their brother who had just inherited their mother’s estate yet still demanded money for his property taxes. This predicament stirs up a lot of emotions—and raises some intriguing questions: Is fairness really fair in the context of sibling dynamics, or does money just turn us into greedy versions of ourselves? Buckle up, folks; we’re diving into the all-too-common battlefield of inheritance disputes, where sentimentality clashes with financial reality, and not everyone comes out unscathed!

Money can make people do pretty selfish and cruel things. When a family member dies, they often leave behind an inheritance that has the potential to very quickly cause a lot of drama if some entitled relatives start making demands.

A netizen asked the internet if they were wrong to not give their brother money for him to cover his property taxes, despite him getting their mother’s entire inheritance. We reached out to the person who shared the story via private message and will update the article when they get back to us.

It’s sadly not that uncommon for siblings to squabble over inheritances

Image credits: Rawpixel / envatoelements (not the actual photo)

But one netizen was taken aback when their brother started demanding inheritance money for their taxes

Image credits: djoronimo / envatoelements (not the actual photo)

Image credits: TearFormal3172

A parent making sure their kids will be comfortable after their death is generally a good thing

Image credits: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

It makes total sense that parents would want to leave their children their assets after they pass away. Even totally alive and healthy adults will set up trusts, funds and savings just to give their children a leg up in life. At the very least, it seems irresponsible to just throw away everything you’ve accumulated in life. Who gets what is the real crux of the issue and a common source for drama. Succession won numerous awards basically based off of this idea.

However, most parents generally at least try to play lip service to the idea that all of their children should get something. Normally, “disowning” a child is the rare case where they end up with nothing. But in this story, the mother very clearly had a favorite and didn’t even try to hide it. Shockingly, it seems like her preference was for immature deadbeats, although an argument can be made that the brother needed the money more than anyone else.

Of course, as the saying goes, don’t “throw good money after bad,” so brother managed to waste what should have been an opportunity for him to set himself up comfortably. It really shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone that a lazy person who is bad with money would be, you guessed it, in tax debt, but here we are.

Sometimes it can be ok for one child to get more

Image credits: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

There is an argument to be made for less-equal distribution of an inheritance. A child who is still in college could benefit from money a lot more than a person with a steady income. Equity is not always the same as equality. But, as we see from the grandmother, it would appear that Jason simply gets special treatment without any real reasoning behind it.

It’s quite telling that his main takeaway from the death of the father is “I was expecting that inheritance to pay my late property taxes.” Setting aside that even if he was getting something, it would come too late for him (as detailed by the person who shared the story in the comments,) this is just a callous way to approach a death in the family.

More than likely, Jason is in dire financial straits. He doesn’t have a job but refuses to find any ways to create income. No doubt he has gotten used to a lazy lifestyle and is now worried about paying the one major expense he still has. After all, property taxes don’t just disappear, he has to know he would be expected to pay them into perpetuity.

Jason needs to grow up because the “free money” will end one way or another

Image credits: Mikhail Nilov / pexels (not the actual photo)

As so often is the case with people who only know how to spend their money, he has not budgeted anything to cover this incredibly predictable expense. The idea that his grandmother would have to bail him out is both embarrassing and, unfortunately, quite telling. He no doubt knows that certain family members will always turn a blind eye to his entitlement and just cover what he owes.

At the same time, he very clearly didn’t share, so it seems absurd that he is now so concerned with “fairness” when he didn’t get some “free” money. Creating a go-fund-me to cover your taxes as an unemployed adult man is so comically entitled and childish as to beggar belief. He seems like an endless pit of lost money if he can’t even handle the single payment he needs to cover for his essentially free home.

The netizen shared some more details

Most folks sided against the brother

The post “He Needed The Money More Than Us”: Sisters Refuse To Give Brother Any Inheritance first appeared on Bored Panda.

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