“From Laughs to Nightmares: 66 Guests Whose Visits Turned Unforgettable for All the Wrong Reasons!”

"From Laughs to Nightmares: 66 Guests Whose Visits Turned Unforgettable for All the Wrong Reasons!"

When walking into someone else’s home, you’d think it goes without saying: it’s their turf, their rules. Yet, you’d be amazed at how many people seem to plow through this common courtesy like it’s a doormat! In fact, it appears that many guests treat their hosts’ abodes like an all-you-can-eat buffet of indiscretions. A survey by Joybird highlights just how widespread this problem is, with 37% of people admitting they’ve encountered a “bad guest” at least once. So how bad can it really get? Buckle up, because after diving into the tales shared in a viral thread, you’ll might think twice about hosting again! From children who reinvent the concept of rude to adults who could quite literally party like it’s their own place, these stories are bound to make you laugh (or cringe). Want the juicy details? Scroll down — you won’t be disappointed! LEARN MORE

When you enter someone else’s home, it’s their turf. Their rules. Sadly, not everyone understands that. Some guests act like they own your place. In fact, they might act like they own every place. In a survey about houseguests by Joybird, 37% of respondents said they’ve had a bad guest at least once.

After reading some of the entries on this list, you might be put off inviting people over for a long time. These stories come from a thread where one person asked, “What’s the rudest thing a guest in your home has done?” So scroll away and find the weirdest and most disturbing cases where people of all ages seemed to forget what good manners were.


Stole $100. But this story has a happy ending.

When I was young I had three friends over, all of them brothers. The oldest was my age, the middle was a couple years younger (same age as my brother), and they had brought their youngest brother with them. He was a little b***h.

Well that day my dad let me hang onto a $100 bill because I thought it was cool and had never seen one. I showed it off to my friends and left it on my side table. I didn’t even notice it go missing.

Well, here’s how the story goes. My friends had left, and when they got near their house, the youngest brother pulled out the $100 and said “hey guys, look what I took.” The two older brothers got *pissed.* They dragged him crying all the way back to my house, handed me the $100 that I hadn’t even realized was missing, and forced him to apologize. Friends of integrity right there.

Image credits: anon


Tried to crawl into bed with me while I was asleep with my husband next to me in bed.
Creepy and rude.

Image credits: KikiParker88


Drank half of the $200 bottle of tequila I got my wife for her birthday. She filled it up with water so we wouldn’t notice though…

Image credits: naigung


Let her dog, who was on a leash, pee on me and continue talking to finish her thought before taking him outside. She also didn’t help clean it up.

Image credits: faerie03


Insisted on making dinner. Burned the steaks.

Insisted on making hamburgers. I told him I didn’t like onions. Made the hamburgers with chunks of onions. I tried to eat one, but chunks of raw onions is not something I want to eat.

He made beans in a crockpot, but didn’t refrigerate them overnight. Just left them out in the crockpot. Plugged it in the next morning and let them cook all day the second day. Claimed if there was any bacteria in there, cooking it killed it all. Repeated for a week. Spouse and I ate the beans the first night and refused any leftovers.

We had record heat for days on end, so we ran the air conditioning. He would *not quite* shut the door to the outside, leaving a small crack letting the cool air out and his smoking in. Every time I passed by, I’d shut the door till it latched. Worse, we had indoor-only cats and they would occasionally escape because he could not understand that the door needed to be shut.

He left open potatoes chip bags in the pantry.

It wasn’t any one thing, although food poisoning and endangering the cats were pretty close, it was the conglomeration of a lot of little things.


Let their child punch our brand new TV and laughed as he did it as if it was cute.

Image credits: anon


My 10-year-old distant cousin unwrapped 3 new bars of soap and flushed them down the toilet on the 3rd floor of my house. That night, we returned from dinner to find water dripping from the ceiling on the *first* floor—the third floor bathroom had flooded and the water leaked through the floor, dripped from the ceiling of the second floor, and leaked though to the ceiling of the first floor. the whole mess cost thousands of dollars to repair.

the kid confessed everything with great glee and his mother just thought it was the funniest thing.

Image credits: diphoemacy


I was babysitting my neighbours daughter. My neighbour was supposed to pick up the girl hours before and didn’t answer any of my messages prior. I got the living room ready just in case if she was gonna stay the night. It was close to midnight and he finally came to pick her up. The dad ranged the bell and when I answered the door he was sooo wasted. He barged in and walked past me to go to kitchen and everything that was in his grasp, he literally destroyed. He went to the fridge and drank juice straight from the carton. He then walked back to the living room where his daughter was, then was spewing random s**t to her and mid sentence he vomited all over my couch and passed out after.

EDIT: For those of you asking;

* Yes he did apologize and paid to clean the couch.
* The daughter at that time just started first grade, so she was probably 6 or 7. She’s very smart, so she was aware of what was going on.
* Did I call CPS? Yes. He turned out to be an alcoholic and it wasn’t the first time he has done this.

Image credits: dazedbean


Male friend asked that my partner and I take ourselves and our <12 month old daughter to a motel for a night whilst he uses our house to try his luck with one of our female friends we invited over for a game night.

Image credits: InSight89


Stole money from our engagement cards, at our house, during our engagement party.

Image credits: f1owers


I’ve made this post before so I’ll just copy paste it here:

Not my house but my car. I don’t have many rules for passengers when I’m driving but there are two I will never budge on.
1: Wear your seat belt.
2: Do not smoke in my car.

I had just bought a car, it wasn’t brand new but I knew the previous (and only) owner and I knew he was a car guy who took meticulous care of his cars inside and out. He wouldn’t even sell me the car before he had given the engine a proper service. Within a week of getting the car a friend asked for a lift to the train station, I knew he smoked so as we walked to the car I told him specifically to wait until we get to the station before he lights up (a 10 minute ride at most).

I back out of the parking spot, drive to the exit of the parking lot and as I check my left hand side for oncoming cars I hear from my right the distinctive sound of a lighter sparking up. Dude could not even f*****g wait until we were out of the f*****g car park before he just had to have his goddamn cigarette. I ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing and he just looks at me and says “Relax, it’s not like it’s a new car.” F****r ended up walking to the train station.

Image credits: ConstableBlimeyChips


Told their children ages 4 and 8 that they can put their feet with their shoes on our furniture. Their justification was that we let our dog get on the furniture. My husband told them no feet on our furniture previously and this pissed the parent off.

Image credits: Iamjune


My really close friend brought his now ex girlfriend that was super controlling over while me and a few other friends were hanging out, about thirty minutes in she decided that she is going to go into my super white bathroom and dye her hair black, not only this but if you’ve never dyed your hair before you must rinse your hair out to get excess dye out. She ended up staining my white counters, bath tub/ shower, floor, two decorative towels, my carpet outside the bathroom and my toilet. I was so irate and I don’t think she understood that you do not do this s**t in someone else’s house without asking them. Literally everyone that was over including me told her to get her now just showered naked a*s out of my house. I was so done because she just stained soooooo much s**t that will not come out easy. It makes my blood boil thinking about it now.

Image credits: anon


Stole $70, shot [illegal substances] in my bathroom, dropped lit cigarettes on my carpet; tried to justify it by saying they cleaned my sink.

Image credits: xandriaaa


My cousin and her daughter, who has down syndrome, were visiting and staying with me in my home. Her kid pooped in a quilt, and for some reason my cousin rolled it up and shoved it in the closet in the guest room without telling me.

I discovered it after they left (it was rolled up pretty good so I didn’t smell it immediately) because my dog stood in front of the closet and barked nonstop until I came and found it…She was so offended by it and didn’t stop barking until it was completely cleaned up, haha.

Edit: I called her and said, “I found the quilt from your bed rolled up with poop in the closet…what happened?” And she said, “Oh, daughter had an accident. Sorry!”.

Image credits: anon


I forgot about the girl I hadnt seen in years showing up to my parents house unannounced. I was so happy to see her. So she came home with me and we ate dinner and caught up on life. She stayed the night since ” it was so late” . The next day she confessed she was just realeased from Jail and had no where to go. We tried getring rid of her for weeks. Then one day we stopped in Walgreens for something and she stole stuff. After that my grandpa told her to suck off a trucker if she had to but she was leaving no matter what. I dropped her off at the train station. She called me 20 minutes later but I refused to answer. Haven’t heard from her since.


I was having a Halloween party 4 or 5 years ago and this girl, I s**t you not, just started smashing the pumpkins we had as interior decorations. Like excuse me hoe, what is wrong with you???

Image credits: Johnox


Kid tried to cut my birthday cake, and open my presents. The whole time his mom was laughing like it

I WAS F*****G MAD. I looked at the mom and she was like ohhh Johnathan don't do that sweetie. The f*****g kid kept doing it. I grabbed him and the f****r was fighting me to open my presents I s**t you not. He just had to see what was inside. Then he tried to cut my cake tell his mom to get the knife he is ready to cut his cake. What pissed me off the most was that none of the parents did s**t. My mom was in the kitchen so she couldn't see what was happening. They all just sat there watching it happen. It was only after I was like f**k this I am done I don't care anymore.

The kid was 8 and I was 6.

Image credits: NoAffect4


I had a friend who used to jump onto furniture like lawn chairs and stuff. He claimed it wouldn’t break it, but sometimes he did break stuff and he just complained it’s not his fault but that the furniture was too fragile.

Image credits: darth_hotdog


I gave up my bedroom to my stepson and his girlfriend when they visited. I am a non smoker, and it’s literally the only room in the house that is smoke free. I asked her to step outside to smoke, not a big inconvenience since there’s a sliding door that goes from the bedroom to the lanai. I also asked her not to take food to the bedroom, because ants are a real problem in Florida. I could smell when she lit up a cigarette but I didn’t say s**t to her. Figured she’d walk outside to put it out. Went into the room to grab shoes, and I noticed the little porcelain tray wasn’t on my nightstand so I looked around for it. It was shoved under the bed with her cigarette butt in it. Along with my cream colored throw rug and a bath towel. Turns out she took chocolate milk to the bedroom, knocked it over onto the rug, then grabbed a towel to try to clean it up. Instead of bringing it to the laundry room, she wadded everything up and hid it under the bed. I went off, and she convinced him to leave three days early. That’s the last time I give my room to the fat, spoiled b***h.

Image credits: redeyedone


My grandfather’s cousin was staying with us a for a week; he has a bladder problem and would refuse to wear adult diapers! What followed was him leaving a trail of pee (sometimes poo), when he walked around the house… didn’t take too long for my mother to ask his son to take him back home.

Image credits: dink88


Not in my house but my uncles. My brother and his (now ex) girlfriend were over at my uncles house watching a movie. From what I was told, my brother had his girlfriend laying down on his lap and he was plucking her armpit hair and putting it on the couch.

Image credits: _hybridthe0ry


Not f*****g flushing the goddamned toilet.


A few friends and I were having some drinks last summer when a guy we know showed up at my house uninvited with a friend of his who was so drunk he immediately passed out on my couch (this now sleeping dude drove both of them to my house). Guy continues to get plastered and do coke, complained about the music we were listening to and kept trying to put his own terrible punk band on, he cornered my wife and demanded she change her shirt because he has beef with the singer in the band on her shirt, refused to sit in anything other than a broken chair that we had to put in another room when he went to the bathroom, then complained when it was 6am and we said were going to bed, waking his drunk friend up saying “I guess we’re getting kicked out,” then they both left in drunk dudes car.


Neighbour and my dad were talking in the living room when they both watched his son knock chocolates all over an expensive carpet. The neighbour then let my 60 year old dad get on his hands and knees to fish around 20 chocolates without helping and continuing the conversation as though it hadn’t happened.

This was the same neighbour who let his son knock glass baubles off our Christmas tree and didn’t apologise.

It was the same neighbour who asked my mum to pick up bottled water and wine from the shop for a party she wasn’t even invited to.

It was all the subtle things that make you think “you’re a bit of a d**k, aren’t you?”


It was the same neighbour (who lived above us) that didn’t come around to look at the damage his broken boiler had done when the water drenched our very large bookcase and then seeped to the floor below to our kitchen.

He and his wife were the same neighbours who asked us, the first time we had met, when we were moving out because they wanted to buy the entire house. He tried to buy it 5 years later but we rejected his bid, waiting for a higher bidder which came the next day.

Image credits: anon


We had a party at our house. Guests ended up using the bathroom in our bedroom as well because of lines on the guest toilet. We have (had) one of those “only attached to the wall and no legs to support” sinks on top of a slim long shelf kinda thing. They sat on the damn thing and broke it. I was beyond belief how someone could sit on something that looks, feels and very obviously shows it is not made to carry weight and is not supported.

Now it has legs…

Image credits: turkppc


She acted like an entitled restaurant patron, in my home.

She spent the night because her divorce was uncomfortable and contentious. She didn’t want to go home to her husband’s house, and didn’t have any family in this country. So she was couch surfing.

My selection of tea wasn’t big enough, and the grape jelly I had wasn’t as nice as an assortment of jams. She ate the pancakes despite them not being her favorite, and was really surprised I didn’t have a waffle iron. She didn’t complain about the breakfast sausage, and I did the eggs for her, my husband and me as we each wanted them anyway. Then she raided our pantry for snacks to take with her before she left.

She wasn’t couch surfing… she was wearing out her welcome very quickly at every friend’s house she went to. She was a nightmare when we helped her move to a sketchy apartment, and then again to a less sketchy place . She was just all take and no give in general, and stopped reaching out when my husband and I stopped giving.

Image credits: ohitsberry


This was actually at my sister’s house but holy c**p. We have a sister in law, (I guess, she married our BIL after our sister died and I don’t know what else to call her,) and she is dreadful.

She flossed her teeth in the living room and left it on the carpet. I found it later that day when I was lying on the ground in front of the TV.

During the same visit, she changed in the room I was staying in because we were going swimming, and took that opportunity to look through my suitcase. She was either just being nosy, looking for my prescription pain medication, or both. Jokes on her, I hid it before she came over. So instead she just stole the eyedrops I’d left out for my dad.

We can never call her on anything, because if we do, she refuses to let us see our dead sister’s children.

Image credits: toktobis


We had two couples come to stay with us from overseas and one of the couples spent the entire time arguing and getting into massive fights. This included screaming, crying, slamming doors, sulking, the works. For three weeks. It was the longest three weeks of my life.

Image credits: scarletmanuka


My mum welcomed a far away cousin or someone into our house. He walked in, into the kitchen where my dad was sitting watching TV and said “and who the f**k is this?”.

Image credits: vampireondrugs


When I was living with my ex (who was an alcoholic and had a lot of mental issues) one of his friends from his past asked to stay over for a day or 2. They drank, a lot. I woke up in the middle of the night with the “friend” standing in OUR bedroom pissing against the bedroom window. When I woke up my ex he didn’t think it was that big of a deal. That is the day I packed my s**t and left.

Edit: wow I got sick and didn’t go on Reddit for a day. Thanks for the silver!


Left their drunk girlfriend in my house emotionally distraught. Charged back in and was very agro with my roommate and then proceeded to decide they were entitled to sleeping in my bed and getting drunker.
Wasn’t in town to defend my house and was very angry to find evidence of someone sleeping in my room. Much less my bed.

Image credits: Psyduck8


I hate when people bring their dogs. I mean if you want your dog inside that’s your decision, but don’t force it on me and my dog- free home.


My grandma brought my aunt’s badly behaved, non-house trained dog with them on a visit. They had all been specifically told the dog could not come to the house, when they showed up with it we found an old play crib and said it needed to stay in there for the duration. My grandma would pick it up and let it loose whenever she could.

About two weeks after they left we realized that the dog had fleas, and we had massive infestations that infected all of our 5 dogs and 4 cats, caused scars on all of us from bites, and took almost 3 years to eradicate completely.


My FIL came for Christmas dinner, our first Christmas in our own place and first Christmas ever with him. I put on a meal for him and SIX of his guests all by myself. He brought nothing, parked his a*s at the head of the table and chain smoked until his meal was ready. As he was leaving he tried to convince my husband to leave me to the clean up and come to the bar with him. When that didn’t work he said okay see ya and threw his empty cigarette pack on our living room floor.

He’s just a joy to be around.


My brother was coming to town and needed a place to stay. I offered him my couch ( its a big three-seater and pretty comfy). When he got home he made a podcast and talked about how terrible it was sleeping on my couch. Get a motel next time then you cheap ungrateful d**k!


Picked up my very small poodle, held her on her back with two hands over a 10 ft balcony. If my dog would’ve even wiggled, she would’ve fallen to her death.

Image credits: kweenbreen


A friend of mine demanded that my Dad give her his iPhone charger. Not to borrow, to keep. He politely declined and she huffed off muttering about how he was too old for an iPhone anyway.

He was 49 at the time.

She now wonders why he doesn’t talk to her.


My boyfriend invited a couple dudes over while I was at work because we only have a 1 bedroom apartment and I don’t always enjoy sitting there watching them game. It was considerate. Anyways, he was asleep and they were gone when I got home since I work 3rd shift. I noticed my new bathroom mat was discolored and assumed it was from shoes and didn’t closely observe. Anyways, I made him look at it with me when he got up because I was a bit mad since it was brand new. Upon further observation, we came to the conclusion that before leaving, his friend wiped s**t all over my new bathroom mat. It turned out to be brown finger streaks across the whole thing! Threw that out immediately. The toilet paper was readily available BTW… They are not allowed in the apartment anymore, and it was weird because they weren’t on bad terms they actually wanted to hang out again.


We had a baby shower at my house. My Aunt is the landlord and was also in attendance. At the time there was a no dogs allowed policy. A guest brought their chihuahua and let it loose in the house. I thought my Aunt was gonna have a heart attack and the dog was scared by all the people and couldnt be caught until after the party. They never even asked if it was ok to bring their dog.


I had a collection of 1$ casino chips, one from every casino I had been to. A housemate invites some people over and a guy sees them sitting somewhere and starts playing with them. I figure the guy likes to fidget so it’s no big deal. Guy ended up taking a bunch a mismatched casino chips and even apparently tried buying a drink at the bar with them. Luckily one of the other guys he went out with got them back to me but seriously? Who does that?


My girlfriend at the time had a friend over. Her friend lit up a cigarette in the middle of our lounge room and started smoking and flicking the ash on our carpet. I didn’t even know what to do. I don’t speak to either of them now.


When I was beginning junior high, my sister went off to France for a study abroad program, and as part of the program we also became the host family to an exchange student from Japan. She was really nice and I had no problem with her (especially because I got to sleep in the gaming room for 6 months while she got my old room) except for one thing: she ate all the damn cookies.
Now our family likes cookies as much as the next, but my grandma would come over every wednesday and bake a fresh batch of cookies for the kids when they got home from school, and as i’m sure many of you know, grandma’s cooking is always best. The problem was, if there were any cookies uneaten by the end of the day, the exchange student would eat them ALL in the middle of the night while skyping her friends back in Japan. Without fail, I could always hear in the middle of the night her loud footsteps as she stomped down the stairway that shared a wall with the game room I was sleeping in, the unmistakable sound of the cookie jar opening, and the harrowing sound of the bottom of the jar being scraped as she delves for the last one. In got to be such a problem that we started asking grandma to keep some cookies hidden so that we could eat them the next day. She was great in every other regard and had a great time herself, but god damn the only thing I think about when I think about her is not the fact that I literally slept on the couch for 6 months, but the look of an empty cookie jar on Thursday morning.

Image credits: DevilSev


Went into my bedroom, put his hands in my fishtank and picked up my goldfish with his bare hands for fun.


A little late to the conversation but I had a friend a few weeks ago come over and test a few new games on my VR system. I love that thing and super proud of owning one. When he was done with it he tossed the headset on the ground from stomach height. Shocked and appalled I asked him what the f**k he was doing and he looked me in the eye and said “what? It’s not mine.” Needless to say he’s not allowed over at my house anymore.


My ex girlfriend got drunk at my grandmothers funeral then got into a screaming match with my brother and dad in the front yard.

Image credits: fireinvestigator113


I had been on a few dates with this guy. One night after we went out he dropped me off at my apartment and we were talking. The conversation was getting long and I was super tired so I told him I was going to go to sleep and it was time for him to go. He insisted on walking me up to my bedroom which I thought was a little weird…plus my room was super messy at the time and I was embarrassed.

I said it a bunch of times, but he really didn’t seem to get the message that I was just going to stay in the living room until he left. So I said that I had just gotten *really* tired and I would just fall asleep on the couch. Maybe that would get him to leave. No. It prompted him to go upstairs into my bedroom, take the comforter off my bed, and bring it downstairs to the couch for me. I never went out with him again.


Checking my cabinets. Why are you going to someone’s house and checking what they have stored away?

*I found someone sneaking into my room and checking my drawers.


Went through the pantry like it was their’s… Didn’t ask or anything. First time over, walked right into the kitchen, found the pantry, opened it and grabbed the family size bag of Doritos and started eating it.


Back when I was living with a bunch of hipsters (friends of my best friend, and we all went to college together and they were best friends with my ex, etc) like 9 or 10 summers ago. They hosted their living room as a venue for traveling bands. That was cool, never had too much of a problem with that, as I had my own room I could (and often) recluse to. I kept my food in the kitchen with theirs, but my junk snacks, they stayed in my room. Came home from an awful night of work and a show was going on— living room is packed with dreads, red solo cups, accordions, and the weird lulls between sets where someone just sticks their guitar up to the speaker for the “wooooooo” feedback. I go to my room and half of my ‘made with real sugar Pepsi’ cans were taken out of the 12 pack. And worse? WORSE? They took my Star Crunch. You know, the big size ones? The pleasurable cosmic crunch that has sated my sweet tooth back into nostalgic days of youth where every day seemed promising? There was like two left. Yeah, they got into some of my weed, and I never did count my loose change on the dresser to see if it was all accounted for, but I’ll never forget that box of Star Crunch.


Not really a house guest. More like the plumber we called to fix a leak.
A leak in the apartment my fiancee and I were about to move into.
The appartement we hadn’t even spent a single night in.

He walked into the bathroom. Locked the door. Took a c**p. Came back out to tell me the flush was working properly.

Then took a swig from one of the whiskey bottles I was unpacking.


Opened a chateau margaux 2008 valued at $800 (in Japan) which was gifted to me by my father in law for my daughter’s birth. To be opened on her 20th birthday.

Supposedly thought it was ok to skip the decent wines on the counter and rummage in a closet, remove the ribbons, ignore the card, and pour it out for everyone.


We had a family friend who invited HIMSELF over as he was visiting the area. Everything is cool and nice till he takes over my PS3 and is screaming at the f*****g tv and hogs it the entire time. Okay whatever he was leaving soon. He goes to my room to wake me up the next morning and jumps on my bed then proceeded to rip my canopy from my bed which ruined my ceiling. Okay whatever. Then this mother f****r goes out and says he’s visiting a friend that lives nearby. He comes back 5 hours later at like midnight and brings this trashy f*****g b***h back to our house and tells NOT ASKS tells my parents that they were crashing at the house and would leave in the morning. Thankfully my parents said NO and kicked his a*s out.


Oh I have a good one but pretty big wall of text !

Was my 21st birthday party, nothing big just some friends and family over. My mums best friend brings her daughter who is a year younger then me over also.
Don’t mind we get along ok not great friends but grew up together so we know each other pretty well.
Turns out her fwb ended their relationship that day and she hasn’t Taken it well.
Gets super drunk and cries most of the night. You can see her crying in the background of most of the pictures taken that night.
She finally has enough that she wants to lay down tell her to go to the guest room.
Goes to my room instead. About an hour or so later all the party can hear are huge bangs from inside the house. No one is sure what’s going on so I go check.
She’s has spewed everywhere in my room is crying.
She’s taken her shirt of and spew and piled in her lap.
Her mum comes up behind me and is just lost for words.
At this point spew face looks up and starts yelling at her mum blaming her mum for the whole situation.
Her dad ended up helping her outside and hosed her down in the yard in full view of the guests.
Couldn’t even be mad cause the whole situation was just sad.
Her mum ended up cleaning her mess up while crying.
Was a pretty s****y night all together.


Was gone for a few days for a music festival. Roommate had a friend over.

They boot to windows media on my computer and reinstalled windows so they could download and play fortnite on my rig.

Thank god for backups.


She got lost on the way to my kid’s party and showed up at my house after we had returned home. She had both of her kids and her phone had died. We were all exhausted but invited them in as they’d been driving for a while.

We made them plates of food and enjoyed her company. We put on a movie so our kids could rest. Her oldest was lovely but her youngest, who is between the ages of my kids, was awful. He was extremely physical and started punching and hitting my oldest, who put himself in the line of fire so his little brother wouldn’t get hurt. Her oldest kept telling her younger brother to stop and I had to get involved and separate the kids and calm my kid down.

She stayed for over four hours. I spent three and a half hours trying to get her kid to stop terrorizing mine.

We have not had them over since. It’s been three years. She was one of our closest friends and was in our wedding. She’s seen my husband and says her youngest has calmed down. While I believe that, I’m hesitant to invite them over again.


My friend destroyed my Wii, because he was bored. He also scared our cat so much once that she literally peed out of anxiety (by throwing pillows at her). I could literally not leave him alone for one minute. (We were like 15). He occasionally seemed to have some sort of episode in which he’d lose it.


My buddy came down for a week and I offered to let him stay at our house so he didn’t have to pay for a hotel, much to my wives dismay. I told her it would be no big deal but I was wrong. At dinner the second night, he spilled beer all over my carpet and his only pair of pants (seriously, what grown man only brings one pair of pants on a trip?) So I lend him a pair of pants to wear while his are in the washing machine. That night he got so drunk that he pissed all over himself and my couch. To top it off, after he left in shame I found my p**s soaked pants that I’d let him wear stuffed under the couch.


Rearranged my lounge furniture while I was out.


‘Friend’ came to visit me and my fiancé (who she had not yet met at the time). We both had to work and she needed to finish up a paper so I set her up with WiFi, snacks, and comfy study spot. She’s a smoker so I told her if she needed to smoke that was fine, but she needed to do it leaning out of the bedroom window. We came home to find her IN OUR BED UNDER THE COVERS smoking. Icing on the cake was the fact that she stayed in the bed for another 10 min or so while my fiancé awkwardly stood around until I told her she needed to get tf up so that he could change and relax.

Later that night we had plans with friends and she declined to join. When we came home she was asleep but I found a used facemask (one of the disposable cloth ones) on top of my laptop. Laptop was- you guessed it!- on our bed.

Had this just been my flat I don’t think I would have been so bothered- she and I had lived together back in the day and we didn’t have many boundaries. But she had literally never met my fiancé and didn’t see anything wrong with being so invasive of his space. Also the facemask pissed me off- she literally put a sodden cloth onto my macbook that I 100% do not have the funds to replace.


Mum’s cousin visited with a friend. Cousin and friend were early 20s, old enough to be decent house guests. Mum ordered takeaway for the adults and put fish fingers and chips in the oven for us kids. Before the takeaway turned up the guests decided they were hungry and ate the fish fingers without telling anyone.

Mum opened the oven to find a tray of chips and an empty tray where the fish fingers should have been, and had to put more on so we wouldn’t go hungry.

It seems small now but who the hell eats a child’s dinner when theirs is less than 10 minutes away?

Edit: Stop suggesting they were stoned oh my f*****g god.


Came to a house party and had a shower in the middle of it. Washed his hair with vinegar in our one bathroom. Would. Not. Leave. The next day until 40 minutes after I had asked (tried steam cleaning around them).

Finally breathed out a sigh of relief went to shower my hangover away, put on a towel… The Vinegar!!

Nearly spewed.


I got married yesterday and had a reception at my dad’s house. Mom had a gift bag for me that she left in the dining room, on the floor out of the way. I left and forgot to grab it. Grabbed it today and first found an empty cup stuck in there, dirty. Then found a dirty plate.

Got home, found the fork, at the bottom. Someone had used it as a trashcan, even though the actual trashcan was in the kitchen, in sight, five feet away (literally, there’s not even a door in between. It’s practically a dining room/kitchen).

No idea who did it but it’s kinda really ticking me off.

Oh, it was plastic, by the way (we’re super cheap).


Threw my bra at my uncle, we were around 13 and my auntie and uncle (great uncle, so in his 70’s) were looking after me while my mum and dad were away, she grabbed my bra, ran downstairs and lobbed it straight at him while cackling because I was chasing her trying to get it back. Little cow.


Got drunk and went outside and puked on the hood of my landlord’s car. Then stood and watched while we cleaned it.


She followed some mutual friends up to our apartment and invited herself to Thanksgiving.

When I was in college I loved throwing friends-giving. I love cooking and drinking with friends, playing hostess really as cliche as that sounds. I invited probably about 10 or so people for dinner. I made turkey and some basic sides, everyone brought more sides and desserts and their own plates! (screw dishes, I just cooked).

Most of the people were at our apartment already. I was still doing some last minute cooking, getting drinks and going around seeing if anyone needed anything. I had one friend stop by quick. He couldn’t stay but he did bring me a bottle of this vodka I love. He and I took a few shots and caught up before he left. I got nice and tipsy, the happy atmosphere of all my friends making it so much nicer.

A group of two friends were the last to arrive. While they were coming upstairs they ran into someone a few of us knew. She wasn’t someone I was close with and honestly certain things about her rubbed me the wrong way. She wasn’t close enough to be invited to the party.

The two friends arrive at our door and one rushes towards me in the kitchen and says “I am so sorry, she asked what we were doing and came with”. They had told her about Thanksgiving and she decided to come with. She did ask if she could stay, after she was in our apartment! It was a calculated trap. I was thankfully just a few more shots shy of drunk and said sure come on in. It didn’t bother me too much at the time, in retrospect it was rude. I did get to enjoy seeing everyone is nice somewhat dressy clothes, she was in dirty sweat pants.

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