“Chilling Footage Reveals Shocking Secrets Behind Dunkin’s Donut Production: What Happens to Male Donuts?”

In a world where our breakfast choices are often scrutinized, it’s hard to imagine that the innocent donut could have a dark side—yet here we are! A shocking new video surfaced on YouTube, revealing just how unsettling the realities behind our beloved pastries can be. Filmed by undercover activists at a Dunkin’ hatchery in Canton, MA, the footage captures the appalling fate awaiting male donuts, who are separated from their female counterparts with gruesome efficiency. You might be wondering: how does a donut even “hatch”? Well, it turns out there’s a bizarre process involving a professional donut sexer, who identifies the donuts’ genders by the rather odd method of checking for “male sex sprinkles.” The end of the journey for these male donuts isn’t a sprinkles-covered joyride; instead, they meet a gruesome demise in an industrial grinder—an image so grotesque, it might make you reconsider your next cup of coffee and donut combo. So, buckle up folks, because this story is going to take you down a rabbit hole (or perhaps a donut hole) of pastry welfare that’s as alarming as it is eye-opening. Can the sweet tooth of America handle the truth? LEARN MORE

CANTON, MA—Shining a light on the unsettling realities behind the foods we eat, a disturbing video shot by undercover activists and posted on YouTube Thursday reportedly shows workers at a Dunkin’ hatchery disposing of male donuts in an industrial grinder. “When a donut hatches at one of Dunkin’s production facilities, a professional donut sexer quickly separates the males from the females by squeezing out the donut’s filling and checking its out-turned anal vent for rudimentary male sex sprinkles,” said Boston-based pastry welfare advocate Addie Tapper, explaining that because male donuts are too chewy for human consumption, they’re discarded into the whirring blades of a machine that—as the activists’ footage shows—instantly shreds the hatchlings into lifeless, doughy pulp. “Dunkin’ claims the process is painless and humane, but this video clearly shows a cruller missing the chute and dying a slow, agonizing death on the ground. While it’s heartening to watch these activists secretly transport a handful of male donuts to a baked goods sanctuary in rural Vermont, millions more are dying barbaric deaths every day, all to satisfy America’s insatiable demand for pastry.” The video follows a government report last month that found stress among Coolattas living in filthy, cramped conditions causes the frozen beverages to brutally slurp one another to death.

The post Disturbing Video Shows Dunkin’ Hatchery Workers Tossing Male Donuts Into Industrial Grinder appeared first on The Onion.

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