“Why Wearing More Makeup Might Just Be the Biggest Blunder You’ll Ever Make”

"Why Wearing More Makeup Might Just Be the Biggest Blunder You’ll Ever Make"

Every relationship, even the most casual, hits that turning point where you can’t help but ask yourself, “So, what’s next?” It’s like you’re flipping through the pages of a choose-your-own-adventure book, only to face an unexpected plot twist! Enter Reddit user Angry2320, who found herself at that inflection point with a guy who, well, clearly didn’t get the memo on how to treat a partner. His not-so-subtle comments about her looks and unsolicited advice to slap on more makeup pushed her to say, “Enough is enough!” But before she walked away, she had a little fun of her own… and trust me, it’s a story you won’t want to miss! Curious about how this all unfolded? Click here to LEARN MORE.


Even if you start casually seeing someone, there will come a time in the relationship when you will have to ask yourself, “Now what?”

Reddit user Angry2320 recently reached that point with the guy she was seeing and he made it really easy for the woman to answer that question.

His brash comments about her looks and repeated suggestions to wear more makeup convinced her that there was no future for the two of them and she decided to break up with him. But as she revealed on the subreddit r/PettyRevenge, not before getting back at him one last time.

Image credits: Engin Akyurt (not the actual image)


Image credits: GaudiLab (not the actual image)


Image credits: Okrasyuk (not the actual image)

Image credits: angry2320

As the story went viral, its author told everyone more about what happened in the comments


And people have had a lot to say about it


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