“Is Your Phone Sabotaging Your Sleep? Discover the Two Crucial Steps Experts Recommend!”

"Is Your Phone Sabotaging Your Sleep? Discover the Two Crucial Steps Experts Recommend!"

Do you ever find yourself frantically scrolling through your phone right before bed, convinced that the latest TikTok dance craze is something you absolutely need to master—like, now? Or maybe you hold a secret sentimental attachment to your device, so much so that leaving it on the nightstand feels like putting your heart in a different room. Believe me, you’re not alone. A staggering 50 million folks in the UK admit to cozying up with their phones at night, rather than letting it lie outside in the cold—who could risk that, right? But here’s the kicker: this seemingly harmless habit might be messing with your health, sleep quality, and yes, even your peace of mind. From blue-light-bantering our brains into wakefulness to the lurking worries about that ever-present electromagnetic field (EMF… yikes!), it’s high time we rethink our nighttime routines. Join me as we dive into practical advice from Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler that might just save your snooze time! LEARN MORE.

Sleeping with your phone next to you is something we’re all guilty of, let’s be honest.

Whether it be because we enjoy doom scroll on social media before bed, or we need it nearby for our alarm in the morning – it’s always there.

However, it’s really not the best for your health, as a survey revealed that 50 million Brits admitted to sleeping with their phone, while 74 percent of participants said they couldn’t even leave it outside.

We're all guilty of the odd doom scroll before bed (Getty Stock Image)

We’re all guilty of the odd doom scroll before bed (Getty Stock Image)

The blue light emitted from your device can pose a problem as your brain thinks it’s time to wake up, making it harder to fall asleep and ruining the quality of your rest.

We’ve spoken in the past about the hygiene implications, or lack of it, when you choose to sleep with your phone in the bed, but what about the science part of it?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are emitted from mobile phones, albeit at a low level, and though there is currently no evidence about them having adverse biological effects, some people are still worried about the long-term health risks.

Those concerned about EMFs tend to use wired headphones instead of Bluetooth ones and opt to put their phone on Airplane Mode while it’s not in use, among other things.

Sleeping with your phone nearby may not be the best idea (Getty Stock Image)

Sleeping with your phone nearby may not be the best idea (Getty Stock Image)

But now, Dr Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, has taken to TikTok to advise people on what they can do to avoid EMFs if they must sleep with their phone nearby.

“If you sleep with your phone by you at night and you’re concerned about the EMF energy to your head, which studies show penetrates more for children than adults,” he began.

The doctor continued: “Consider getting a Faraday pouch – this is what I use – there’s lots of different brands out there, but putting your phone on airplane mode will not completely block the EMFs like a Faraday pouch.”

A Faraday pouch is a case designed to reduce the effects of electromagnetic fields. It can be formed by the use of conductive material or a mixture of different materials.

People often use them to protect their credit cards or car keys from theft.

The doctor took to TikTok to share his advice (Getty Stock Image)

The doctor took to TikTok to share his advice (Getty Stock Image)

But he added an alternative too, saying: “Best [thing to do] if you don’t want to get a pouch is just turn your phone off.”

Social media users took to the comment section to share their thoughts on Dr Wachler’s advice.

One wrote: “This is actually a thing??”

Another commented: “This is more for 5G phones but still good advice.”

While someone else advised: “Just put it further away.”

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