“Survival of the Fittest: How Tasmanian Devil Mothers Manage the Impossible Task of Raising 40 Offspring with Just Four Teats!”
Ever heard of the survival of the fittest? Well, when it comes to Tasmanian devils, things get downright brutal! Imagine this: a mother gives birth to a whopping 30 to 40 little devils, but here’s the kicker—she’s only got four teats. That’s right! So the first four to latch on get to live, while the rest? They’re outta luck—nature can be cruel, huh? These tiny contenders, about the size of a grain of rice, face an early life-and-death struggle that makes a reality show look like child’s play. For those that survive, it’s a cozy five-month stay in the pouch before they venture out into the world. Talk about a dramatic start to life! Curious about how these little fighters manage against the odds? Dive in and let’s explore more about our fierce, furry friends! LEARN MORE.
Tasmanian devils give birth to 30 to 40 offspring, but the mother only has four teats. The first four to attach to the teats survive, while the others perish.
“So it’s an early natural selection, which is a bit brutal.”
Most of the surplus devils die after birth, about the size of a grain of rice.
The surviving devils will spend about five months in the pouch, then the mother starts to leave them alone in the den.