“Uncover the Side-Splitting Secrets: 82 Dad Jokes That Will Leave You in Stitches!”

"Uncover the Side-Splitting Secrets: 82 Dad Jokes That Will Leave You in Stitches!"

If you’ve ever found yourself groaning at a dad joke while secretly chuckling, you’re not alone! These oddly-timed puns, floating through the atmosphere like poorly thrown paper airplanes, have a knack for landing at the most unexpected moments. There’s something about their cringey charm that keeps us hooked—even if we pretend to hate them. Seriously, what’s the deal with dad jokes? Is it their irresistible blend of awkwardness and humor that makes them so memorable?

With over a million members on the Facebook group, Dad Jokes Daily, it seems like the world just can’t get enough of these memorable quips. From the classics—the “What’s brown and sticky? A stick!” kind—to those that make you chuckle and roll your eyes at the same time, this treasure trove of hilarity is exactly what we all need when life gets a little too serious. So, whether you’re in need of a quick laugh or looking to sprinkle a little levity into your day, here’s a compilation of the most gloriously silly dad jokes that will surely brighten your mood!



Nothing says cringey humor more than a randomly-timed dad joke. No context. No set-up. Just pure funny father energy. Puns that put your rolling eyes far into the back of your head. One-liners that leave you wondering, “What just happened? How did we get here?” Quips that create an awkward silence. But as much as we pretend to hate them, we just can’t get enough of a great dad joke.

More than a million people have joined a Facebook group dedicated to dad jokes and memes since it started. Dad Jokes Daily does exactly as the name suggests, sharing posts that are lame, funny, classic, embarrassing, and everything in between. The page’s “About” info reads, “What’s brown and sticky? A stick” but the content goes far beyond that. Bored Panda has gathered our favorite gems from the group for anyone looking for something to laugh at next time the kids are throwing a tantrum.

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