“Is the Truth Finally Unraveling? Joe Rogan Challenges JFK Assassination Theory as Trump Drops Declassified Bombshells!”

After years of anticipation and speculation, the final files regarding the JFK assassination have been released to the public—and surprise, surprise!—there’s no grand conspiracy uncovered within the pages. It seems the hope of finding evidence that the CIA, KGB, and maybe even aliens conspired to take out President Kennedy has fizzled out faster than a popped balloon. President Trump famously promised a treasure trove of about 80,000 pages of secrets, but the reality is more like a light dusting of documents, leaving many scratching their heads and asking why these revelations were held back for so long. Were the waiting conspiracy theorists simply served a giant slice of disappointment instead of the juicy secrets they craved? As it turns out, many of these documents could have been shared publicly ages ago, filled with information that already left the rumor mill spinning. Curious about the theories that are still hiding in plain sight, like a second shooter on a grassy knoll or mafia connections? It looks like we’re not getting any new fuel to the fire. LEARN MORE.

The remaining files on the JFK assassination have been released to the public after so many years and it turns out… there actually aren’t any massive bombshell revelations contained within.

President Donald Trump promised to release about 80,000 pages worth of classified documents, but the actual figure didn’t end up being quite as many as that and it’s left a lot of people wondering why this wasn’t published sooner.

It’s all turned out to be a bit of an anti-climax, and the folks hoping that some scrap of paper would confirm the CIA assassinated JFK in conjunction with the KGB and then sold his body to aliens or something along this lines seem to have been let down.

A lot of the documents were safe to be declassified years ago and contain information that has already been known for years.

Theories that there was a second shooter on a grassy knoll, the CIA really did it or that it was actually the mafia who pulled off the hit have not received much new fuel.

The supposed 'single bullet', which has been argued to be in too good a condition to have passed through two bodies (Public Domain)

The supposed ‘single bullet’, which has been argued to be in too good a condition to have passed through two bodies (Public Domain)

Among those who have discussed theories around the JFK assassination in the past is podcaster Joe Rogan, a man not short of opinions on all manner of matters.

He previously voiced his scepticism on the ‘single bullet theory’ – the idea that one bullet shot into JFK’s back exited through his throat and then hit Texas governor John Connally who was sitting in front of Kennedy in the car.

The Warren Commission, which was set up a week after Kennedy’s assassination to investigate his death, ruled that a total of three shots were fired, all of which came from the building Lee Harvey Oswald had taken a position in with his rifle.

One shot hit Kennedy in the back and exited through his throat, which would make it the shot from the ‘single bullet theory’, while the Warren Commission found that another shot hit JFK in the back of the head which would prove fatal.

A third bullet then hit Connally in the back.

Did one bullet do all that or not? Does it matter? (YouTube/JRE Clips)

Did one bullet do all that or not? Does it matter? (YouTube/JRE Clips)

They judged that there was ‘persuasive evidence’ that one bullet hit Kennedy’s throat and caused all of Connally’s wounds, but ultimately whether it was one bullet or multiple was unimportant as they were sure all shots were fired from the building Oswald was in.

Of course, those who think there’s more to the Kennedy assassination than the official record shows aren’t minded to take the commission’s findings at face value.

Those who disagree with the ‘single bullet theory’ have claimed that because the bullet removed from Connally was in fairly good condition it couldn’t have bounced through two bodies.

One of these people is Rogan, who said in a video that there were ‘more metallic particles from the bullet, more fragments from the bullet in Connally’s body than were missing from the bullet’.

Rogan and his guest Mick West also discussed the ‘additional shooter theory’, which posits that there was more than one gunman, which the podcaster said was ‘not proven’ and said the ‘chaos’ of a situation could affect people’s perception of events.

He said: “People claim to see things and hear things, they even believe themselves.

“If you tell someone you heard something in the bushes then you run away, that person will say ‘I heard something in the bushes’ and then other people repeat it, it becomes the narrative.”

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