“After 137 Years, Shocking DNA Breakthrough Unveils Possible Identity of Infamous Jack the Ripper!”

"After 137 Years, Shocking DNA Breakthrough Unveils Possible Identity of Infamous Jack the Ripper!"

Image credits: freepik (Not the actual photo)

Edwards explained that he purchased the shawl back in 2007 after it was marketed to be at the scene of the murder of Catherine Eddowes, on “TODAY Show Australia.” Surprisingly, the DNA found on a shawl found at the crime scene of one of Jack the Ripper’s victims, Catherine Eddowes, matches a DNA sample provided by one of Kosminski’s living relatives, according to findings published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences in 2019. 

“It’s very difficult to put into words the elation I felt when I saw the 100 percent DNA match,” Edwards told The Sun in an interview published on January 31. And adds, “This brings closure and a form of justice for the descendants.” Edwards and some of the victims’ descendants are now asking Britain’s High Court to officially name Kosminski as the killer.

Great-great-great-granddaughter of one of Jack the Ripper’s victims states, “Having the real person legally named would be a form of justice”

Image credits: Wikimedia

One of Eddowes’ biological descendants Karen Miller, is waiting for further investigation to make the findings official. Speaking to Daily Mail, she outlines, “The name Jack the Ripper has become sensationalized. It has gone down in history as this famous character. It has all been about him, this iconic name, but people have forgotten about the victims who did not have justice at the time.”


Image credits: Wikimedia

“What about the real name of the person who did this? Having the real person legally named in a court, which can consider all the evidence, would be a form of justice for the victims. We have got the proof. Now, we need this inquest to legally name the killer,” Miller, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Eddowes, explains. Now the eyes are on the High Court’s decision to make Kominski the official

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