“After 137 Years, Shocking DNA Breakthrough Unveils Possible Identity of Infamous Jack the Ripper!”

"After 137 Years, Shocking DNA Breakthrough Unveils Possible Identity of Infamous Jack the Ripper!"

Image credits: Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels (Not the actual photo)

Jack the Ripper’s most notable victims include Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly in 1888, who were brutally murdered in the Whitechapel area. These women are called “canonical five” by Jack the Ripper researchers, the reason being they are most likely murdered by a single killer.

According to the Express, the killer needed to have anatomical knowledge in order to commit the murders. Coincidentally, an intake form from the asylum where Kosminski died in 1919 described him as a “barber-surgeon,” hinting at the anatomical knowledge needed for the gruesome nature of the Ripper’s murders, which involved slitting his victims’s throats and masterfully removing their internal organs. Despite his notorious story, the police were never able to capture him, and his identity remained locked away in the pages of history. 


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