“After 16 Years of Silence, Why Is Her Ex Furious About a Baby She Never Had?”

"After 16 Years of Silence, Why Is Her Ex Furious About a Baby She Never Had?"

In a world where life decisions often feel like a high-stakes game of Jenga, one anonymous woman’s experience truly illustrates the fragility of relationships, especially when it comes to something as poignant as adoption. Imagine being a teenager, navigating the wild waters of unexpected pregnancy, only to find yourself abandoned by the very person who should have been your partner in this journey. Fast forward sixteen years, and out of nowhere, your ex reappears, armed with guilt trips and regret over choices that you made—choices he had no part in. Is it fair to criticize someone after you’ve ghosted them for a decade and a half? In this gripping story, we dive deep into the complexities of choices made under duress and the ongoing need for compassion in challenging circumstances. Curious about how this saga turns out? Stick around as we unpack this emotional rollercoaster! LEARN MORE.


The decision to give your child up for adoption is a difficult and deeply personal one. Nobody can do it for you. Whatever you choose to do, nobody is in a position to judge you if they haven’t been in your shoes.

An anonymous woman opened up to the AITA online group about how she had given up her baby for adoption after getting pregnant as a teenager. Now, sixteen years later, she ran into her ex who had abandoned her. The man began guilt-tripping her for supposedly denying him his chance at fatherhood but got shut down.

Now, the woman turned to the internet to get a verdict on whether she handled the situation right. You’ll find the full story below. Bored Panda reached out to the author of the story to hear more about what happened. She was kind enough to answer our questions. You’ll find our full interview with her, including why people must stop forcing their ideals on young mothers-to-be, and instead support them.

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