“After 16 Years of Silence, Why Is Her Ex Furious About a Baby She Never Had?”

"After 16 Years of Silence, Why Is Her Ex Furious About a Baby She Never Had?"

“I would never shame someone for choosing abortion or to raise the child. Those are valid and brave options. So long as it is respecting their own lives and not bringing a child into the world to suffer or be mistreated, then it should be the mother’s decision. Unless the father is involved, then it’s a joint decision.”

According to the author, honesty is the key to maintaining proper boundaries with one’s child and adoptive parents. “My bio-child was 13 when we talked about me being his biological mother. He had some hard questions and I never lied. I told him I wasn’t ready to be his mother and I couldn’t give him the love and care he deserved. But I know people who already loved him even before birth. Those were the people meant to be his parents.”

She added that “people need to stop forcing their ideals on young mothers-to-be, especially teens who get accidentally pregnant.”

The author continued: “They need support, not judgmental comments. With the right support and guidance, they can push forward in life. I finished college and I have a professional life despite finishing high school in home school because I was pregnant.”


You cannot abandon someone, ignore them for years, and then suddenly have a change of heart without ringing alarm bells

Image credits: Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Most often, life doesn’t turn out like in the movies. The challenges you face are far more complicated and there usually aren’t neat resolutions. But in some cases, you’ll find that there are kind, caring, and supportive people around you who are willing to lend a helping hand when you need it the most.

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