“After 16 Years of Silence, Why Is Her Ex Furious About a Baby She Never Had?”
This is what happened in the viral story author’s case. She shared how her parents and their family friends came together to make the adoption process as smooth and pain-free as possible. They also allowed the woman to remain in her birth child’s life as a ‘special aunt.’ So, she was able to develop a relationship of sorts with her son throughout the years, while also being mindful not to overstep any boundaries.
Unfortunately, not everyone is mindful of other people’s boundaries. Case in point, the author’s ex began guilt-tripping her for giving up their child for adoption, even though he was the one who left her to fend for herself when pregnant.
He had 16 years to show any interest in the woman and child’s welfare, but he only spoke up when he accidentally ran into her. Overall, this shows that he likely isn’t genuine about wanting to be a father. He might potentially be playing the situation up for attention or to look like the victim for other purposes.
The cherry on top is that the man called out his ex for giving up the child for adoption on social media. However, he didn’t quite get the reaction he was hoping for. While some folks stood up for him, many other people in his social circle were quick to point out that he was in no position to say anything, as he made the decision to abandon his pregnant girlfriend.
What are your thoughts about the entire situation, dear Pandas? Do you think the woman handled everything the right way or would you have done anything differently if you were in her shoes? Do you know anyone who has been adopted or has adopted a child? How would you react if an ex suddenly started forcing their way back into your life?