“Ancient DNA Reveals Shocking Truths About Our Prehistoric Ancestors—What Secrets Are Hidden in Our Genes?”
All Groups Split Off From One

In the study, archaeologists hypothesized that the two groups stuck together at least once–hence why the girls were related. They proposed two possibilities for this.
The Beringians might have split before crossing the bridge, only to reunite later. Or, the Beringians might have separated after crossing. Potter prefers the latter theory.
Perhaps They Split Before Beringia

Potter has a theory for how these two groups came together. During an interview with The Atlantic, he suggested that both groups independently crossed Beringia. Perhaps they traveled on different paths at separate times.
Usually, this theory would seem a bit far-fetched. But there is some evidence to back it up.
Support For Potter’s Theory

In 2017, archaeologists examined the Bluefish Caves in Canada’s Yukon Territory. According to a study on these caves, scientists found evidence of human-cut markings that were 24,000 years old.
If this is accurate, as Raff believes it is, then humans had crossed Beringia at least 24,000 years ago. That was over a decade before the two girls were born.