“Ancient Fortune Unearthed: Metal Detectorist Stumbles Upon Hidden Treasure of 1,800-Year-Old Roman Coins in English Field!”
Have you ever stumbled upon a treasure while doing something totally mundane, like cleaning your room or, in this case, metal detecting in a field? Well, buckle up, because bathroom fitter David Dunn just turned what could’ve been your run-of-the-mill treasure hunt into an extraordinary discovery! Out there, in a quiet pasture of Leicestershire, he unearthed a hoard of 50 Roman coins that dates back to the late 3rd century C.E. These charming little beauties are expected to fetch nearly $2,000 at auction! Now, wouldn’t it be just fabulous if every casual outing resulted in finds like these? Let’s dive into this fascinating story that proves luck really can strike when you least expect it—especially if you have a metal detector in hand. LEARN MORE
While metal detecting in a Leicestershire field, bathroom fitter David Dunn discovered a rare hoard of 50 Roman coins expected to fetch nearly $2,000 at auction.

Leicestershire LiveOne of the Roman coins discovered in a farmer’s field in Leicestershire, England.
What started as a routine day of metal detecting quickly turned into a momentous outing that yielded the discovery of a lifetime.
While scanning a local pasture in Leicestershire, England, bathroom fitter and metal detectorist David Dunn unearthed 50 well-preserved Roman coins dating back to the late 3rd century C.E.
The hoard is set to be auctioned in February 2025, with an estimated value of $1,800.
David Dunn Discovers A Roman Coin Hoard In A Leicestershire Field

Leicestershire LiveDavid Dunn, the metal detectorist who found the Roman coin hoard in Leicestershire.
While searching a pasture in Leicestershire, David Dunn discovered a “once-in-a-lifetime” hoard of Roman coins.