“Ancient Guardian of Time: The Fortingall Yew’s Battle for Survival Amidst a Rising Tide of Overtourism”

"Ancient Guardian of Time: The Fortingall Yew's Battle for Survival Amidst a Rising Tide of Overtourism"

The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh has planted their own yew hedge with cuttings from the ancient Fortingall Yew which will hopefully grow between 30 to 50 new tree saplings. The project aims to spread their mission onto 20 church yards by 2020. The Fortingall Yew’s deteriorating health emphasizes the importance of preserving its biological lineage now more than ever.

“If we’ve got its progeny, we’ve got its clones growing elsewhere, then the DNA will be looked after and safeguarded, and we will have more important yew trees,” Lloyd said.

Next, read about California’s Methuselah tree, which is the oldest tree in the world. And then, learn the story of Sweden’s Old Tjikko tree, another candidate for the title of world’s oldest tree.

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