“Are You a Millennial? Gen Z Unveils Surprising Signs That Could Get You Kicked Out of the Club!”

"Are You a Millennial? Gen Z Unveils Surprising Signs That Could Get You Kicked Out of the Club!"

Ah, the eternal clash of the generations strikes again! We’ve all witnessed it—the audacious Gen Z taking to TikTok, poking fun at us, the proud Millennials, as if we can only shuffle our feet and scroll mindlessly through life. I mean really, can’t those born between 1997 and 2012 just let us enjoy our nostalgia in peace? With my impending 30th birthday looming like a disco ball overhead, it’s hard not to feel defensive about our dancing quirks and clubbing styles being dragged through the digital mud. In a recent TikTok post, a user went viral attempting to “spot” Millennials on the dance floor, raising a myriad of reactions—sparking laughter and even debate about our night-out habits versus those of Gen Z. Are we the true party animals, or have the tables turned? Let’s dive into this generational fracas that’s as entertaining as it is relatable! LEARN MORE.

Ah look, Gen Z are making fun of us again…

Why can’t people born from 1997 to 2012 just mind their own business?

Sorry for the outburst there, I’m turning 30 next month – which means I am indeed a Millennial, born from 1981 to 1996.

Taking to TikTok, it seems Gen Zers are stirring up controversy again after revealing ‘how to spot’ Millennials in the club.

In a video from 2023, which is no longer able to view in the UK, TikToker @htetismommy attempted to ‘expose’ our alleged behaviours on a night out.

TikToker @htetismommy shared their video on the platform in 2023 (TikTok/@htetismommy)

TikToker @htetismommy shared their video on the platform in 2023 (TikTok/@htetismommy)

“How to spot Millennials vs Gen Z at a party,” the text overlay from the short clip read, showing CCTV images of youngsters out on the town. And this is what the TikToker had to say about our generational differences at the club.

What Millennials ‘do at a party’

On their phone 24/7

Have heavy makeup on

Opt for high heels instead of trainers

What Gen Z ‘do at a party’

Always ‘dance for no reason’

Put on less makeup

Wear trainers

Despite racking up loads of likes, not everyone agreed with the TikToker, as one person complained: “I definitely think it’s the exact OPPOSITE.”

Mostly everyone thought the TikToker got it the 'other way round' (TikTok/@htetismommy)

Mostly everyone thought the TikToker got it the ‘other way round’ (TikTok/@htetismommy)

“Lololol Gen z wears SO MUCH MAKEUP,” another added.

“It’s literally the other way around,” a third viewer said.

“Y’all on TikTok in the clubs and we were grinding and all on each other vibing with the music lol #1989.”

“Interesting. The Gen Z in my town are the opposite. They don’t even like to go to clubs, I was afraid it was a dying pastime,” penned a fourth.

This comes after fellow Millennial Gus Rosas (@goodforthegooch) pointed out how to tell how old someone is on the dance floor.

Over on TikTok, he explained how he likes to dance with his hands up, and that his mates would keep pulling his arms down on a night out.

Millennials could definitely relate to this one (TikTok/@goodforthegooch)

Millennials could definitely relate to this one (TikTok/@goodforthegooch)

“I’m too old to be in this club,” Gus said, after admitting that he also likes to shout ‘woo’ while he’s dancing.

Some things we think, but don’t say.

Although one viewer did point out: “We were literally instructed to put our hands in the air like we just don’t care. It’s our legacy.”

“Being a Gen Z sounds exhausting,” a second person said.

A third added: “What I noticed in the generation [is] they don’t seem to be having fun when they dance… we had fun not caring what people saw.”

“I never heard a song say put your hands down,” someone else wrote.

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