“Are You Breaking the Money Rules? Discover the 19 Lies That Could Be Costing You a Fortune!”
Following these rules without enough research can prevent you from making the most of your money and organizing it according to your needs.
18. Buying a New Car is a Smart Investment

Cars are not investments; they’re depreciating assets. A new car loses value the minute you drive it off the lot. If you must buy a car, consider a slightly used car or one you can buy in cash to avoid the initial depreciation hit.
19. Always Trust Financial Advisors

Not all financial advisors are equally competent or have your best interests. Always try to find and work with certified advisors legally bound to act in your best interest (known as fiduciary financial advisors) rather than those who operate under a ‘suitability’ standard that often has a secret ulterior motive.
20 Things Poor People Waste Money on, According to Suze Orman

If you’ve ever watched her show, you know Suze Orman pulls no punches. She’s all about calling out bad money choices, urging people to take control of their financial destinies and ditch those pesky spending habits that derail progress. While her advice can be blunt, she aims to empower folks to build wealth and protect their financial futures.
It’s important to note, Suze Orman gets flak sometimes for being too harsh. She’s not shaming people, but highlighting how certain expenses can sabotage big goals like homeownership or a comfortable retirement.