“Are You Making These Kitchen Decor Blunders? Discover the Shocking Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Culinary Space!”

"Are You Making These Kitchen Decor Blunders? Discover the Shocking Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Culinary Space!"

It was on-trend in the ’60s, you could get away with it in the ’70s and ’80s, but if your bathroom still looks like this, it’s time to shell out for a bathroom reno.


Sculptures In The Bathroom



greek statue in all-yellow bathroom


There is so much happening in this bathroom. From the fuzzy toilet seat cover to the mustard-colored drapes, to the golden busts on the counter and the 3-foot tall statue directly next to the toilet, this is a busy bathroom.


Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, you flip on the light and all of sudden you have all these statues and sculptures staring at you. That’s going to be a “no” from us.


Monochrome Bathrooms



all-pink bathroom


Unless the color is white, your bathroom should never be all one color. Even for a little girl, this is too much pink. If your bathroom is hard to look at it, you might have gone a little overboard with the design — even if you had good intentions.


One upside to this bathroom is that it would be easy to clean since it’s completely tiled. Just hose down the entire bathroom, wipe it all off, and you’d be done!


Neon Lighting



bathroom mirror with neon blue lights around it


Bright colors as an accent in a simply designed bathroom can be a great choice, but if your bathroom starts to look like you could find it in a club in Ibiza, you should take a step back and reevaluate.


It would be fun for the first few weeks, maybe even the first couple of months, but a year from now you might regret your decision to go with the neon lighting. It will certainly be a conversation starter for your guests!

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