“Are You Missing These 14 Alarming Signs that Someone is Starving Themselves?”
7. Frequent Illness

Not eating enough can weaken your immune system, which helps you prevent sickness and diseases. You may miss the important vitamins and minerals that help keep your immune system strong to fight colds, infections, and other illnesses. Without nutrients like vitamin C, zinc, and iron, your body will have a harder time protecting itself from getting sick.
Malnutrition leaves undernourished individuals more vulnerable to infections and slows down recovery from illness. A weak immune system results in healing wounds slowly, and even heart function is affected, leading to a slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and a lower body temperature. This can cause people to feel faint and weak.
8. Hair Loss and Brittle Nails

Your hair and nails need constant supplements of protein, vitamins, and minerals through your diet to grow strong and stay healthy. The initial signs of insufficient nutrients will often appear in your hair and nails.
Without enough protein, hair becomes thin, weak, and starts falling out. This is because hair is mostly made of protein. In the same way, nails also start to break easily, look dull, or even develop small cracks. So, if your body doesn’t have enough, it can’t keep your hair strong, and your nails stay hard and grow properly.
9. Muscle Weakness and Decreased Physical Performance

Everyday activities, like lifting things, climbing stairs, or running, feel much harder than usual. Muscles also need protein to grow and stay strong, so if you’re not getting enough, your body will start breaking down muscle tissue to get energy.