“Are You One of the Zodiac Signs Most Affected by Mercury Retrograde? Discover the Surprising Impact and Expert Tips to Navigate It!”

Julian: “It’s a good idea to reconsider things, to take your time before making a decision. Do not discount something completely, but just take your time with it.
“Because at the moment, it’s mutable signs. So the mutable signs are all about adaption, variation, flow, and change.
“So the best thing you can say right now is go with the flow. Literally, just go with the flow. Don’t stick in the mud and say, ‘Well, that’s it. I’ve got to be this.’
“Just say, ‘Hey, I’m just going to go with the flow,’ like watching the pie rise and fall, you know.”
In astrology, Mercury governs communication, technology, and travel, and during retrograde, it is believed to cause misunderstandings and disruptions
Image credits: tarotbymaisy
ADVERTISEMENTRosa: “My tips for mercury retrograde are to be prepared, and make a note of the mercury phases.
“Leave more time for travel in general. Never sign a contract during, just before, or just after Mercury retrograde if possible.
“When sending emails or any correspondence dot the I’s and cross the t’s. Triple-check before pressing Send. Avoid getting into arguments. Carry on with your life with some extra caution.”
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